UC2000-VE/F/G GSM/CDMA/WCDMA VoIP Gateway User Manual
Shenzhen Dinstar Co., Ltd.
Notice: Don’t set signature at the end of email and make sure the received email is plain
text format.
How to configure Email to SMS in GSM gateway
1) Open page
Email to SMS support both POP3 and IMAP protocol.
The “Server Domain” means your email services server info, you can get it from your
email provider.
The “TLS Enable” means use Encrypt or not.
If use TLS, IMAP default server port is 993, POP3 default server port is 995.
If not use TLS, IMAP default server port is 143, POP3 default server port is 110.
The “Using SMTP Login Account” means when you use SMS to Email, you can use
the same username and password info for Email to SMS.
The “Check Email Every” means how long the UC2000 will check the email inbox, the
set range is 1-60.
The “Subject” means when the UC2000 match the email subject, will use that email to
Add the Email address info at UC2000 side, like follow pic.