UC2000-VE/F/G GSM/CDMA/WCDMA VoIP Gateway User Manual
Shenzhen Dinstar Co., Ltd.
Primary Server Port
The port of the primary Cloud server
Secondary Server
The domain name of IP address of the secondary Cloud
server. It can be null.
Secondary Server Port The port of the secondary Cloud server. It can be null.
Domain Name
The name of the sub-domain used by the gateway under
the Could server.
The password of the sub-domain used by the gateway
under the Could server.
Local Port
The port of the gateway connected to the Cloud server.
SIM Transport Type
The transmission type of phone numbers of the SIM card.
Port State Control By
The port state is controlled by cloud or the gateway.
Anti Call Scanning
This function must be enabled when the whitelist/blacklist
function of the SIM card is enabled.
How to register gateway to SIM Cloud?
Example: add gateway on domain