DWG2000C-4/8G User Manual
DNS query type
The DNS query type defines the type of information that will be requested from DNS
DNS refresh
The interval of DNS refresh, Range from 0 to 60000 mins, 0 means disable default
value is disable.
Used to define the SIP protocol T1 timer value, default is 500ms
Used to defines the SIP protocol timer values, default value is 4000ms
Used to define the T2 timer value in SIP protocol, the default is 5000ms
Keep alive Interval
Used to keep communicate between equipment and the SIP server that make the
device is available . In general, using the factory default values
From Mode when
Caller ID Is
Used to config "From" Mode when Caller ID Is Available when call from GSM to
Tel/User: From: caller number <sip:3001@IP>;tag=51088abb
User/User: From: 3001 <sip:3001@IP>;tag=51088abb
Tel/Tel: From: caller number <sip: caller number @IP>;tag=51088abb
User/Tel: From: 3001 <sip: caller number @IP>;tag=51088abb
From Mode when
Caller ID Is
Used to config "From" Mode when Caller ID Is Unavailable
Anonymous : From: <sip: Anonymous @IP>;tag=51088abb
Username : From: <sip: Username @IP>;tag=51088abb
Answer Mode
Answered: Gateway answer the IP incoming call ( send SIP message "200 OK" to
IP part ) after GSM part answered
Alerted: Gateway answer the IP incoming call after GSM part Alerted
183 Mode
Immediately: Gateway send "183 RING" immediately to IP part while it receive
“INVITE" from IP part.
Alerted: Gateway send "183 RING" after receive "ring back" from PSTN
Response Code
Used to configure the compatibility of SIP Response Code , Fill the response code
in the front , and Fill the switch code in the behind
4.12.3 Port Parameter
Figure 4-12-3 Port Parameter
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