Operation & Maintenance Manual
Section6-Emergency Procedures
Dingli Machinery
6.3.4 Bypass Switch
The machine is equipped with two Bypass Switches, located on the Ground and Platform Control
Console. Just at the moment of emergency for moving the machine or starting stowing it, the
switch can be used
6.4 Emergency Operation
6.4.1 Use of Ground Controls
Know how to use the ground controls in an emergency situation.
Ground personnel must be thoroughly familiar with the machine operating characteristics and the
ground control functions. Training should include operation of the machine, review and
understanding of this section and hands-on operation of the controls in simulated emergencies.
6.4.2 Operator Unable to Control Machine
If the Platform Operator Is Pined, Trapped or Unable to Operate or Control the Machine
1) Operate the machine from ground controls ONLY with the assistance of other personnel and
equipment (cranes, overhead hoists, etc.) as may be required to safely remove the danger or
emergency condition.
2) Other qualified personnel on the platform should not continue operation, and then the
assistant on the ground descent the booms slowly.
3) Cranes, forklift trucks or other equipment which may be available are to be used to remove
platform occupants and stabilize motion of the machine in case machine controls are
inadequate or malfunction when used.
6.4.3 Platform or Boom Caught Overhead
If the platform or boom becomes jammed or snagged in overhead structures or equipment, do not
continue operation of the machine from either the platform or the ground until the operator and all
personnel are safely moved to a secure location. Only then should an attempt be made to free the
platform using any necessary equipment and personnel. Do not operate controls to cause one or
more wheels to leave the ground.
6.4.4 Post Incident Inspection and Repair
Following any incident, thoroughly inspect the machine and test all functions first from the ground
controls, then from the platform controls. Do not lift above 3 m (10 feet) until you are sure that all
damage has been repaired, if required, and that all controls are operating correctly.
6.4.5 Emergency Stowing
Ground control station
If it is needed to activate the system at ground console, press the bypass button down and hold on,
when the emergency stop switch on the platform console is pressed, and then activate enable
switch and corresponding functional switch.
Platform control station