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Summary of Contents for BA20ERT

Page 1: ...Part Nu Rev2 0 mber SM0 Second E 0419111 Edition Dec cember 20 019 Printing g...

Page 2: ......

Page 3: ...intenance Manual Version of the Record Dingli Machinery i Version of the Record Version Number Create Date Founder Audit SM0419111_ Rev1 0 September 2019 SM0419111_ Rev1 1 December 2019 SM0419111_ Rev...

Page 4: ......

Page 5: ...pping Hazards 6 1 4 5 Crushing and Collision Hazards 8 1 5 Towing Lifting and Hauling 9 1 6 Additional Hazards Safety 9 Section 2 Specification 2 1 Machine Specification 1 2 2 Performance Specificatio...

Page 6: ...harger 18 4 6 Placards and Decals 19 Section 5 Operation Instruction 5 1 Description 1 5 2 Operating Characteristics and Limitations 2 5 3 Traveling Driving Operation 5 5 4 Steering Operation 5 5 5 Pl...

Page 7: ...on 1 7 3 Lubrication Diagram 1 7 4 Operator Maintenance 3 7 4 1 Axles 3 7 4 2 Rotation slewing ring gear and rotation reduction gear lubrication 5 7 4 3 Checking and replacement of hydraulic fluid 9 7...

Page 8: ......

Page 9: ...lso ensure that the product will not be damaged or be made unsafe by the operation lubrication maintenance or repair procedure that you choose 4 The information specifications and illustrations in thi...

Page 10: ......

Page 11: ...injury or d Safety Alert S TION which are defined a ZARDOUS This decal w ual gli Mach e practices f t is mandato ntenance pro nsure that th hould not ac d operation n completed d be consult ion mainte...

Page 12: ...nd WITH THE S AL COULD R DAMAGE P nd Knowle manual befo ey all DANG e and in this ne until comp ersonnel can ner which is ust be familia as specified ey all applica f the machin ey national t on ety m...

Page 13: ...tions are hine ated in temp perform ins structions ne until it has the manufac all other sa iolation ERATION OF LL BE MADE FROM THE ne on which sing or illegi s on the plat r slippery su r r any purpo...

Page 14: ...ov r the front ax sabled mach tie down lug form against power befo s nts in the pl lanyard anc hine make tioned on the ms on platfo Op gli Mach cy orm railing platform the operly stowe e the platform...

Page 15: mbly to ente entering or escope out to n three poi and during e ds ated and do ectrical lines mum Appro Minimum ase MI 10 15 20 25 35 45 apply exce ual gli Mach r or leave th leaving plat o positio...

Page 16: ing drive with p idges truck m platform c Op gli Mach ctrical line sw 3m betwee any electric required for be reduced r the voltage he machine gned workin alified person ractices nea E OR PERSO ECT...

Page 17: ...les ject with the machine as a ny adjacent e when wind that would in m size with rm is in a po before attem e equipment ual gli Mach an elevated ast 2 ft 0 6 and other p e boom a crane structure d con...

Page 18: to conditio other factors nces in all d avel grades i ve in restricte at all times t sons in the p other overhe Disconnect k stand or ssary Op gli Mach ds all operating ead on side nside platfo fu...

Page 19: ...ed position pletely empt nly at design ration sectio s Safety ground for w or metal cutt posure to we sive Avoid c e or charge ses or partic ual gli Mach g e towing lift cept in the e the Emergen and...

Page 20: ......

Page 21: 230kg Max occupants 2 Platform Size Platform Length 1 83m Platform Width 0 79m Operation Dimension Maximum Platform Height 18 28m 20 21m Maximum Working Height 20 28m 22 21m Maximum Up and Over Hei...

Page 22: ...heels Foam Filled Tire Size 315 55 D20 Outer Diameter 830mm Width 319mm Airborne Noise Emission Maximum Sound Level in the platform 70dB Vibration Value 2 5m s 2 2 2 Performance Specification Driving...

Page 23: ...g Switch should be selected Creep Mode and Drive Speed Controller pulled to limit This verifies that the switches are working when the boom is above horizontal Results should be recorded for a 50 ft c...

Page 24: ...ief Pressure used for Main Boom Up and Down 240 bar Function Main Relief Pressure used for Lower Boom Up and Down 240 bar Turret Swing Pressure Setting 150 bar Main Boom Telescopic Extent and Retract...

Page 25: ...M5 5 9 8 7 10 M6 10 16 18 M8 25 36 43 M8 1 27 39 46 M10 49 72 84 M10 1 52 76 90 M12 1 25 93 135 160 M12 1 5 89 130 155 M12 86 126 145 M14 1 5 145 215 255 M14 135 200 236 M16 1 5 226 330 390 M16 210 3...

Page 26: ......

Page 27: g nel handling sonnel HE INFLUE EIZURES D T OPERATE controls in th and warnin governmen ction device mechanical ate the mach depression s of unprote or machine a n he supervisio as developed bilit...

Page 28: ...f inspections and maintenance must be increased as necessary when the machine is used in a harsh or hostile environment if the machine is used with increased frequency or if the machine is used in a s...

Page 29: ...applicable a will be expo ntenance ha al Sectio gli Mach uring initial s check of all c chine in oper quires good upled with a round Inspe ng in the De o putting the tion LL BE PER THIRTEEN ECTION THE...

Page 30: ...5 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 15 17 18 19 1 Platform Control Box 2 Platform 3 Jib Boom 4 Jib cylinder assembly 5 Second Boom 6 Upper Level Cylinder 7 Base Boom 8 Telescope Cylinder 9 Upper Lift Cylinder...

Page 31: ...E ON by removin ded assembly hy d damage damage loo nd tightness loose or mi hold down ed water to damage pr al Sectio gli Mach s for loose o e xle for dama le for damag s for damag s for security y h...

Page 32: ...y 4 Check limits switch connections and plunger for corrosion and security 5 Check Lower Upright cross pins lower hydraulic cylinder and hydraulic lines for damage wear lubrication leakage and securit...

Page 33: ...ct tor inspect th nder anothe These chec e ound Inspec oil hydrauli ting placards y nce Manual nd other Sa al Sectio gli Mach ectrical conn chafing dama atch for pro proper oper y NG CAUTIO ND SECUR A...

Page 34: ...en left unlearned leaving machine in an unsafe condition for operation 5 Check platform footswitch for proper operation Switch must be released to start and depressed to operate machine 6 Check that d...

Page 35: ...nance Manual Section3 User Responsibility Machine Preparation and Inspection Dingli Machinery 3 9 Figure 3 2 Daily Walk around Inspection Position 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21...

Page 36: ...ttings and no damage or wear on the rod of the steering cylinder 8 Drive Motor No visible damage and no wear on the cable 9 Turret Bearing No loose or missing hardware no visible evidence of proper lu...

Page 37: ...controls al Sectio gli Mach oose or miss and no dam parts eviden issing parts ing Smooth ile be pulled ed oil level s d position C visible dam ECENTLY O OPERATE A D RECHECK E NEEDED OCATION A um Prope...

Page 38: ...eration an of boom p switch in t ion The ope ut the red Em should flash ntrol ensure OWN and h nction shoul achine ction O gli Mach DO NOT OPE E SWITCHE N TO THE O NJURY IF P R LEVER IS EMERGENC PERAT...

Page 39: ...he red Em should flash T BE ADJUS PROXIMAT WITHIN LA TED by depressi ch motion s technician operate Lif shut down m al Sectio gli Mach IS FUNCTIO ELESCOPE FORM LEVE POWER TE Blue Squar top switch u or...

Page 40: ...LS PRI h ascension atform cons er to the forw s on top of b ontrol lever a of machine o see that lef ontrol lever a m reaches ce ground it m high block achine ction O gli Mach the Emerge simultaneou p...

Page 41: ...machine off of block and ramp 11 Have an assistant check to see that right front wheel remains elevated in position off of ground 12 Carefully activate Swing control lever and return boom to stowed p...

Page 42: ......

Page 43: ...ROUND CON trols and Ding s ER HAS NO OPERATION CONFORM ssary inform cators tion witch must b atform Level FROM GROU EXCEPT IN A Y PRE OPER NTROLS AS Op gli Mach O DIRECT C N THE USE MING WITH mation...

Page 44: ...Opera 15 ation M 1 5 1 Maintenan Fig 14 2 nce Manu Ding gure 4 1 G 13 4 3 ual gli Mach Ground C 12 5 Section4 inery onsole Pa 6 4 Machin Indicato anel 11 7 ne Contro ors 10 8 ols and 4 2 9...

Page 45: ...O Original pos tion Toggle S ckwise or an would return ased f platform s peration inery onsole Pa Descrip tor indicates when 110 Switch Pus w direction t m extend to er to the opp the Boom to sed it...

Page 46: ...llows the op s switch is u cending des LATFORM L LIGHT LEVE COULD CA L FAILURE RIOUS INJU o control act gency e the system d hold on w is pressed room shape n off the syst OFF the sw em power t the ma...

Page 47: ...RM GR power is sh tion Toggle S wise or anticl rn Back to O peration inery Descrip h Normally nction the s te the opera analysis pan s used to co hold on the will stop bla switch is use form console u...

Page 48: ...rection th sly until the ggle lever to be got Dow ggle lever is omatically Section4 inery Descrip Switch Pus he Lower and Boom Up to the opposite wn until the B released it 4 Machin Indicato ption sh...

Page 49: ...6 3 2 1 4 5 8 on4 Mach Indic Platform C hine Cont cators ontrol Sta Figu trols and Ding ation ure 4 2 P Op gli Mach Platform C peration inery Console Pa Mainten anel nance Ma 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 anual...

Page 50: ...n It wo ally once be ition Toggle utomatically differential will return to d that will in Section4 inery m Console Descrip allows oper d followed sati ed to rabbit ed complete ed original po e Switch...

Page 51: ...L F R SERIOUS peration inery Descrip f the Indicato Switch It w once be rele h to the icon wer only is scope boom ret rotation iliary power time Simu xiliary Pump he auxiliary Switch ns on at the ns o...

Page 52: ...d f nd hold on to he father aw would retur e be release ng the turret ockwise Th ster its speed Automatically allows the op rity alarm ex Original Posi ome failure w ne has to b hile the pers Arbitrar...

Page 53: ht and hold o and hold on ginal positio k to Original copic functi e velocity w k with Dead top surface d steering and hold on pull backward her away its and left thum depressed ng function e Switc...

Page 54: ...e pane cator model indicat rake on indic on indicator lock on indic del indicato onsole chose ddle of the p nce Manu Ding Figure 4 ic informatio nel are cho Figure 4 el are tor cator r cator r slow fa...

Page 55: ...and Ding left 0 6000 off indicator e right 0 400 m of panel d hosen by de Figure 4 on motor c ture electric ent and rated rface re 4 6 Veh Op gli Mach 0rpm r battery vo 00rpm data on mot epressing th...

Page 56: ...Figure 4 entered by urned on or or ow backgrou and hold e by depress nch On Cag successfully ual gli Mach a on vehicle of main boo 7 Setting depressing r off without is u und ding on is us sing the b...

Page 57: ...Al tically when vehicle wou rrent interfac interface wh cate circular Op gli Mach n Safe Angle nt of interrup hen the butt 8 Setting gh entering and P60 E ters above r e automatic larm Warn n there is...

Page 58: ...form a hting means ighting mea ighting mea ghting mean hting means when the m bidden to mo Section4 inery tor Panel nction Desc eans that th length of bo eans that th when there and stop to that the s...

Page 59: ...en the b to a safe an FORMATIO ES OF THE C RATIONS O Op gli Mach Fun ghting mean ghting mean ghting mean ghting mean ighting mea which is use chassis is inl s that the ch me red light o ppear in the o...

Page 60: ...bin wh d the battery lows ge 100 240V range 100 2 s will be bei e charging i ual gli Mach SE THE BO RWISE IT W R DEATH TO or st be depres en seconds seven secon g the next fu witch must b O NOT REM OR...

Page 61: ...ECAL AN trols and Ding als rds and deca TRUCTION and decals i Sensitive Adh clean surfa o surface CALS CAN PLACARD ND PLACAR Op gli Mach als Do not o PLACARDS if damaged hesive with ace before in N BE...

Page 62: ...on4 Machine Controls and Indicators Dingli Machinery 4 20 Figure4 5 Danger and Warning Decal Location 15 15 17 18 26 30 19 27 28 21 29 26 16 17 18 16 7 24 25 18 21 20 22 19 23 17 16 16 18 13 10 14 11...

Page 63: ...Sectio 4 21 on4 Mach Indic hine Cont cators trols and Ding Op gli Mach peration inery Mainten nance Ma anual...

Page 64: ...4 11 09340001 Decal Notice Keep the manual with the machine 1 12 09930007 Decal Label BA20ERT 1 BA20ERT 09930011 Decal Label BA22ERT 1 BA22ERT 13 09340016 Decal Instructions Open close 1 14 09440055...

Page 65: ...em Part Number Description Qty Remark 26 09410117 Decal Symbols Crushing hazard 2 27 09310250 Decal Instructions White arrow reverse 1 28 09310006 Decal Notice Main power switch operation 1 29 0921003...

Page 66: ......

Page 67: ...ion which will override the Platform Control Station Ground Controls operate boom lift and swing and are to be used in an emergency to lower the platform to the ground should the operator in the platf...

Page 68: ...b the operator gloves safet teristics horizontal w a smooth firm er s rated ca unctioning pr uipped from wo 2 condit n of least FO tability is sh D OR BACK ATE THE MA Op gli Mach g hydraulic ntrolled...



Page 71: ...R MACHINE W MAKE SURE OVER FRON D everse h on activat nd hold on FORWARD n h on activat nd hold on Drive Steer machine on technical sp ual gli Mach ion XTENDED O VEL SURFAC ONTROL OR DING THOS N THE O...

Page 72: ...nsole rm control s Platform Tog e Platform L orm Console rm control s kwise or ant ld until desir peration RAISE BOO N TILT ALAR INJURY DO R TOGGLE NOT RETUR Op gli Mach VELING OV INCORRE OR FALL FA S...

Page 73: ...SWITCH TO orm Console wing the turr orm Console and hold on or anticlock sired position HE BOOM M AR SURROU e Lower an atform Con rm control s r Boom use om orm Console copic Joysti copic Joysti orm...

Page 74: ...uction Ding and hold on according to according to e Main Up orm Console and hold on and Down S aised and Down would be got orm Console copic Joystic main boom peration WER ONLY SCOPE BO LEVELING IARY...

Page 75: ...ol switch or l switch sele switch to th switch to the Platform Con witch to the and hold on ol switch or l switch and switch to th e auxiliary p Console Se and hold on Down Contro Down Co got down or...

Page 76: ...A truction Ding llating Axle L Parking ably well pro fully retracte platform Ground and y Stop Switc rm Control c m hostile env own r Tag to ma wed position om the mach g to prevent he machine ched on...

Page 77: ...M Maintenan nce Manu Din Figure 5 ual gli Mach 5 3 Liftin Section hinery ng Diagram Center Of Gravity Position 5 Operat m Y 1219 X 1194 Model BA20ERT tion Instru 1219 1219 1194 1190 BA20ERT BA22ERT u...

Page 78: ...TIED YES ARE PR THE MACHI wed position om the mach e platform us Figure 5 4 n MACHINE VEHICLE MU HWAY TOW TIONS COUL SPEED IS 5 GRADE 25 Op gli Mach INE BOOM D DOWN TO ROVIDED IN INE SEE F hine sing...

Page 79: ...H D ms complete the front axl er screw 2 o fit flush to d oth screws o ble to the tw to the two fr a safe posit ly VEMENTS T ETWEEN T NOT EXCEE UST NOT ST e towing an ual gli Mach following DRIVE HUB...

Page 80: ......

Page 81: ...TO MAKE T GROUND his round re utton to the tion ocated on th g the platfor ce the Groun r switch to lif tch two auxiliary e Controller e Main Boom es Ope gli Mach s rocedures to ency situatio dically...

Page 82: ...ound descent the booms slowly 3 Cranes forklift trucks or other equipment which may be available are to be used to remove platform occupants and stabilize motion of the machine in case machine control...

Page 83: 681766 8 A 681700 ndingli com inland 681688 681690 ndingli com rocedure Ding warning ex Switch up a ete it ns in the pla h is being u witch will r on hinery Co Lt y or property ovided with a o noti...

Page 84: ......

Page 85: ...hesive qu m ar Lube oil vice classific Mobiltac 37 good practi am ally lubricati RVALS ARE NS FOR MA OR EXPOSE ICATION FR al gli Mach onal necessa e The maint to perform d ntenance an brication SPECIF...

Page 86: ...Section7 General Maintenance Operation Maintenance Manual Dingli Machinery 7 2 Figure 7 1 Operator Maintenance and Lubrication Diagram...

Page 87: ...parkin ap The oil le op up with oi eration for e 0 hours of op uction gears 1 ce Manu Ding ance e the worke cap and so ion bushes ng position oscillation bu t and rear eration or ev s oil Chec ng pos...

Page 88: ...he axle surfa erations for t 0 hours of op s oil Chan 1 tenance Ding tainer under for the oil to p in position operation for operation or ck ng position oil must flow cap 2 Add o aces the front and p...

Page 89: ...remove fille dequately R t type throug eached refit operation or ubrication on pins 1 by e jecting greas e peration or e g gear an of rotation sle e and prolong mponents gear lubri bearing track m for...

Page 90: ...T the severe DS KEEP HA EN LOWER ar oil check pic boom co evel through il of the right peration or e so check the ssing bolts ng of the ro 3 2 Op gli Mach osen when r standard a AY 20 2 EP2 2 PL2 TER...

Page 91: ...e Manu Ding the slewing serious prob slacken loc help of a s the slewing et a 290 Nm to peration or e reduction tainer under ole 2 up to th 3 3 2 al gli Mach ring gear C blems ck nuts1 Tig second oper...

Page 92: ...el s ng See 7 4 ng bolts to s bolts e ground con ould remain accuracy of or in line wi URATE MEA NCH 2 5CM a tu b d c d d tu Op gli Mach hes by injec every year rings for we wear is es ntinued use ath...

Page 93: ...f he hydraulic n strainers m xtremely dirt difference be rring to loca RAULIC OIL NT IF NECE of the hydr hine check n the hydrau e to detect c ulic system he retracted or on the side aulic system er l...

Page 94: ...ULIC OIL ST BE FILTE N THE HYDR oil Replace vehicle to acc tenance Ding ceed the cor L SHOULD B ERED WITH RAULIC TAN ement cess the tan Op gli Mach rrect level R BE APPLIE H ACCURAC NK nks drainage er...

Page 95: ...of the stop switche e main upper ainer e to the SD p the Main m e port of the the Ground m the cylind e to the PU p the Main m e port of the ard in the Gr hose to lead e to the PR p then 300 ho s or...

Page 96: ...he machin y dirty condit ilter cover of the d remove the eservoir then o screw it on ic oil reservo then 300 ho s or 2 years er element oil filter and rom the filter nt to the filte and tighten hen 30...

Page 97: ...the filte Clean up a then 300 ho s or 2 years e RIES PRODU M AN EXPL ME NEAR BA CTION WHEN e free excep m each batte e g baking s bolts as requ e brush then oleum jelly minal posts hed Close b al gli...

Page 98: ...ord p edges in the ed 1 inch in rea cords of hin the abov s not propag ent tire be th e Parts Man t using an a owing charac ating and siz ual or greate Op gli Mach RICAL SYS HLY FAMILIA BY PLACIN OR A...

Page 99: ...per torque to a torque w rage tighten anently defo as follows event cross t g sequence should be d ue chart 4 al gli Mach ensions equ e manufactu y approved b h a pneumat are inflated t res on the sa...

Page 100: ...the therwise it sor is in goo slacken or m gli or your a hecking ty of life and re the senso anger When he procedur e indicating d he ground co Op gli Mach QUE SEQU 2nd Stage 235 ft lbs 320 N m t 50...

Page 101: ...repa 10 If the d ibration y the overlo nsole If the herwise it is n the data sh calibrated te the overloa ding block ng blocks ble sized are it coupling r the booms the horizon m on ground e movement...

Page 102: ...r on the f tenance Ding ble sized ar he telescopic rear part of t ding surface ending some part of the b ration or eve ng blocks ble sized ar he telescopic front part of 3 Op gli Mach rea Remove c boo...

Page 103: ...ns for t om and ide e upper and the sliding s n tighten bo m erations for t ding blocks try to exten e boom is no operation or al gli Mach d lower slidi f the block 3 o be added A the lateral s entify...

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Page 105: ...ulically operated and electrically controlled is to determine if the circuit is lacking hydraulic oil and electrical control power This can be ascertained by overriding the bypass valve mechanically o...

Page 106: ...ti ng SVP08 NOR 10D DE B 00 SV1 T P1 P2 P3 C1 C2 T C1 C2 T 160bar CP448 1 B 0 E B 230 4 5 040 CB1 RV08 DR 2 E 90 B 00 RV1 PSV10 NC PSV08 34 05 12D DE 12 B 00 PSV6 PR XMP 06 CP124 1 CP124 1 LV4 EC10 32...

Page 107: ...KA4 Horn Relay FU5 25A FU7 7 5A 3F 3D 2B 2A 2G 2E 2F FU12 5A FU8 5A MC2M Relay FU3 30A KA2 2H 2C 2D FU2 25A Radiator Relay KA1 1A 1C FU6 30A Power Relay KA5 1D 1G 1H 1E 1F FU10 10A FU11 15A FU9 7 5A...

Page 108: ...421 BK 18 GND1 15 BK 18 GND402 BK 18 GND416 BK 18 GND417 BK 18 GND1 14 BK 18 GND406 BK 18 GND403 BK 18 GND404 BK 18 GND1 3 BK 18 014 RD 14 5 T127 WH 20 T130 WH 20 T135 WH 20 014 RD 14 014 RD 14 014 RD...

Page 109: ...RD 14 GND 013 CAN3H WH 22 CAN3L GN 22 120 11 GND VA SIG1 SIG2 8V AGND H1 L1 8V AGND H2 L2 24 25 17 18 CAN4H YE 18 CAN4L GN 18 GND6 BK 14 014 RD 14 020 RD 14 020A RD 14 16 13 S213 WH 18 S216 WH 18 39...

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Page 111: ...Operation Maintenance Manual Section9 Inspection and Repair Log Dingli Machinery 9 1 Inspection and Repair Log Date Comments Section 9...
