Fitting directly on the " oor.
If the ! oor is carpeted then the carpet
may be slit and underlay cut away to allow the feet to rest " rmly on the
! oor. Carpet gripper must be locally removed so that the feet may rest in
a level position.
Having decided on the method of standing the heater on the ! oor the
position of the wall bracket should be marked on the wall.
9. Remove wall " xing bracket from heater by removing the screws and
spacer bushes at each end.
11. Solid Brick/High Density Block Walls. (
See step 12 if walls are of
low density block)
These must be drilled and plugged with the No. 10 size
plastic inserts provided. The correct size of drill (8mm) should be used and
the hole should be drilled to a depth of 15mm greater than the length of the
plastic insert, so that the " xing is made below the plaster layer.
Low Density Block Walls
. A specialised " xing, such as the Uni" x LB70.
should be employed following closely the manufacture’s instructions.
Panelled Internal Walls.
Here it is best to locate the studding and use
No.10 size woodscrews. Where it is not possible to locate the studding
use type M5 Rawlplug INTERSETS on securely fastened plasterboard
panelling. For other wall panel materials the wall panel manufacturer should
be consulted for details of suitable wall " xing devices.
10. Four " xing positions must be chosen for the 24N, three
for the 18N and two for the 12N . Mark the positions for
the " xing holes - two at the extreme ends and the others
spaced evenly between them. Remove the bracket from
the wall, drill the holes in the positions marked, and insert
suitable " xings detailed in Steps 11 and 12. Secure the
wall bracket to the wall.