The prefix is a string of character strings defined by the user before the decoded data. The user can
add and modify the prefix by reading the following setting codes.
Allow prefix
**Prohibit adding prefix
Read the following setting codes. With the "Data Code" setting code and the "Save" setting code,
the user can modify the prefix content.
Modify prefix
The prefix allows up to 15 characters. For each prefix character, two hexadecimal values are
used to represent it. Refer to Appendix F for the hexadecimal conversion table of character values
The suffix is a string of character strings defined by the user after the decoded data. The user can add
and modify the suffix by reading the following setting codes.
Allow suffix
**Prohibit adding suffix
Read the following setting codes. With the "Data Code" setting code and the "Save" setting code,
the user can modify the suffix content.
Modify suffix
The suffix allows up to 15 characters. For each suffix character, two hexadecimal values are
used to represent it. Refer to Appendix F for the hexadecimal conversion table of character values.