©2012 Digitrax, Inc.
25.0 Adding Throttles: LocoNet & Jump Ports
Sooner or later you will probably want to have one or more other people run
trains with you. This means you’ll have to add more throttles to your DCS51.
You can add any LocoNet throttle to your DCS51 or you can use one or two
smooth DC power packs as Jump throttles.
Any LocoNet throttle can be used with your DCS51. Simply plug the LocoNet
throttle into either LocoNet port on the back of your DCS51 or into any
LocoNet or Throttle Jack anywhere on your LocoNet system. If you want to be
able to plug in a throttle at a remote location, we recommend using a UP5
Universal Panel.
Your DCS51 can handle up to 20 LocoNet Throttles. If you need to run more
than 20 throttles, you can move up to a Digitrax Command Station with addi-
tional capacity. You can continue to use your DCS51 as a throttle and booster
with any command station on your Digitrax LocoNet system.
25.2JuMpports:usingaSmoothDCpowerpack asanadditional
DCS51’s Jump A & B ports can host two DC power packs as additional throt-
tles. Begin with an operating DCS51 attached to your layout. Hook up one or
two smooth DC power packs as shown in the following illustration. This con-
figuration gives you three throttles to control three loco addresses.
1. The throttle knob and direction lever on your DCS51 is called the
2. The throttle and direction controls on each of the smooth DC power packs
you are using are called respectively,
Jump 1
Jump 2
3. Press the
key to cycle from the
Local Throttle
Jump 1
Jump 2
and back to the
Local Throttle
. The
JUMP Indicator Dot
tells you which
throttle functions are being addressed by the DCS51 keyboard.
No JUMP Indicator Dot
- the Local Throttle
Steady JUMP Indicator Dot
- Jump 1
Blinking JUMP Indicator Dot
- Jump 2
4. The functions for each throttle are controlled by the DCS51’s key pad when
JUMP Indicator Light
for that throttle is displayed (see step 3).
5. To access function controls for each throttle, simply press the
key to
cycle among the three throttles.
6. When the throttle’s
JUMP Indicator Dot
for which you want to control
functions appears on the display, use the DCS51’s keypad to change the
The throttle knobs and direction controls for all three throttles
will continue to control the loco selected on them while you are working
with function controls on any of the three throttles.