©2012 Digitrax, Inc.
6.0 DCS51 Display
The DCS51’s Display is made up of 4 digits/letters on the main part of the
screen and 4 Indicator Dots across the top of the screen.
When you are running a locomotive, you will see the address of that locomo-
tive in the display and the
Function Indicator Dot
will be lit. This means that
the throttle knob will control speed, the direction lever will control direction
and braking and the number keys will control the functions on the locomotive.
You will see the following display if you are running loco address 1873 on
your local throttle.
The Display has three additional Indicator Dots associated with more advanced
features available on the DCS51:
JUMP Indicator Dot
lets you know if one or more Jump ports are active.
See Section 25.2.
MU Indicator Dot
lets you know if Multiple Unit (MU) or consisting is
active. See Section 18.
SWITCH Indicator Dot
lets you know when you are in switch mode for
controlling turnouts or setting up system options. See Section 24 for turnout
operation and Section 28 for Option Switch set up information.