© 2021 Digitrax, Inc.
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4.0 Other DS78V Options: OPSW changes
The DS78V configuration and behavior can be configured using 40 OPSW's. The
Factory default OPSW settings will configure most common requirements.
1. Press and hold the OPS button for about 3 seconds until the green ID and
RTS LEDs blink alternately. Release the OPS button. The DS78V is now
setup to configure OPSW 1 to 40 by sending the required SW# as Closed or
Thrown to setup an option.
2. Send a SW# in range 1-40 as Closed/Thrown matching the valid settings
from OPSW Table 1 choices below.
3. When finished press and hold OPS button for 3 seconds to exit OPSW setup
mode. The DS78V will now restart with the new OPSW settings.
4. Factory default OPSW settings are shown in BOLD.
5. OPSW's not in this table are reserved and should be kept at Factory default T
settings for predictable operation.
6. OPSW40 =C will reset to Factory defaults on OPSW mode exit
5.0 External hardware Input lines:
The DS78V has sixteen external hardware control lines on two "SWITCH/SEN-
SOR IN" 10-pin PCB headers using plug in 10-pin ribbon cables. The 6" Factory
ribbon cable pin 1 edge should be on the right side when plugged in, as shown in
Figure 1. With Gray cable the red stripe is pin 1 edge, and for 10-color cable pin 1
is BROWN, with wire colors shown in Tables 2 and 3.
If you use these external lines, connect the wires from the pins of Table 2 and 3
to your custom wiring by e.g. screw terminal blocks. If using a Gray non-color
ribbon cable, make sure pin 1 and counted pin numbers match Table 2/3 usage.
Alternately, plug in two DSXC4's boards with their ribbon cables, which will sup-
port up to 8 DSXCP1 fascia SW controls with servo state indicating LEDs.
Table 1: DS78V OPSW setting table
Default=bold Action
2 position servo (T/C)
3 position servo, (Semaphore)
C =Disable internal Routes
C= Ignore standard LocoNet SW com-
mands ("Bushby bit")
C= 16 input lines trigger Routes. [No
DSXCP1 support]
C= DCC SW commands only. Ignore
all LocoNet SW#'s
C= Do not echo Route SW's to Loconet.
C= Factory Reset