Operator's Manual
DS7A - Constant Current Stimulator
1. Agnew WF, McCreery DB: Considerations for safety in the use of extracranial stimulation for motor
evoked potentials. J. Neurosurg 20:143-147, 1987.
2. Barker AT: Basic principles of magnetic stimulation of the central and peripheral nervous system.
AAEE/AEEGS Joint Symposium :25-30, 1988.
3. B. M. Meyers and E. Cafarelli Caffeine increases time to fatigue by maintaining force and not by altering
firing rates during submaximal isometric contractions
4. J. L. Taylor and S. C. Gandevia Noninvasive stimulation of the human corticospinal tract
5. Maria M. Nordlund, Alf Thorstensson, and Andrew G. Cresswell Central and peripheral contributions to
fatigue in relation to level of activation during repeated maximal voluntary isometric plantar flexions
Appl Physiol, Jan 2004; 96: 218 - 225.
6. H L D Horemans, F Nollet, A Beelen, G Drost, D F Stegeman, M J Zwarts, J B J Bussmann, M de Visser,
and G J Lankhorst Pyridostigmine in postpolio syndrome: no decline in fatigue and limited functional
improvement J. Neurol. Neurosurg.
Psychiatry, Dec 2003; 74: 1655 - 1661.
7. Brian D. Schmit, T. George Hornby, Vicki M. Tysseling-Mattiace, and Ela N. Benz Absence of Local Sign
Withdrawal in Chronic Human Spinal Cord Injury
J Neurophysiol, Nov 2003; 90: 3232 - 3241.
8. Monika Klede, Hermann O. Handwerker, and Martin Schmelz (2003) Central Origin of Secondary
J. Neurophysiol. 90: 353 - 359.
9. Christopher Fraser, John Rothwell, Maxine Power, Anthony Hobson, David Thompson, and Shaheen
Hamdy (2003) Differential changes in human pharyngoesophageal motor excitability induced by
swallowing, pharyngeal stimulation, and anesthesia
Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol. 285: 137 -
10. Mario-Ubaldo Manto, Massimo Pandolfo, and John Moore (2003) Bilateral High-Frequency Synchronous
Discharges: A New Form of Tremor in Humans
11. Ørstavik, K., Weidner, C., Schmidt, R., Schmelz, M., Hilliges, M., Jørum, E., Handwerker, H., &
Torebjörk, E. (2003) Pathological C-fibres in patients with a chronic painful condition
12. Edith Ribot-Ciscar, Jane E. Butler, and Christine K. Thomas (2003) Facilitation of triceps brachii muscle
contraction by tendon vibration after chronic cervical spinal cord injury
J Appl Physiol 94: 2358 - 2367.
13. David W. Russ and Jane A. Kent-Braun (2003) Sex differences in human skeletal muscle fatigue are
eliminated under ischemic conditions
14. M. Schmelz, R. Schmidt, C. Weidner, Marita Hilliges, H. E. Torebjörk, and H. O. Handwerker (2003)
Chemical Response Pattern of Different Classes of C-Nociceptors to Pruritogens and Algogens
Neurophysiol. 89: 2441 - 2448.
15. Christmann, C., Ruf, M., Braus, D.F. & Flor, H. (2002) Simultaneous electroencephalography and
functional magnetic resonance imaging of primary and secondary somatosensory cortex in humans after
electrical stimulation.
16. Hidler, J.M., Harvey, R.L. & Rymer, W.Z. (2002) Frequency response characteristics of ankle plantar
flexors in humans following spinal cord injury: relation to degree of spasticity.
17. Jakobi, J.M. & Rice, C.L. (2002) Voluntary muscle activation varies with age and muscle group.
18. Kier, W.M. & Curtin, N.A. (2002) Fast muscle in squid (Loligo pealei): contractile properties of a
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