XTLplus Series Installation and Programming Guide | Digital Monitoring Products
System Configurations
The panel can be programmed to operate as any of the following system types:
All/Perimeter system that provides one perimeter area and one interior area
Home/Sleep/Away system that provides one perimeter, one interior, and one bedroom area. The bedroom area
provides for any protection devices the user wants disarmed during their sleeping hours and armed as Away.
Six area system that provides areas of protection that can be independently armed or disarmed.
Caution Notes
Throughout this guide you will see caution notes containing information you need to know when installing the
panel. These cautions are indicated with a yellow lightning bolt. Whenever you see a caution note, make sure
you completely read and understand its information. Failing to follow the caution note can cause damage to the
equipment or improper operation of one or more components in the system.
Compliance Instructions
For applications that must conform to a local authorities installation standard or a National Recognized Testing
Laboratory certificated system, please see
"Listed Compliance Specifications"
for additional instructions.