DECserver 900TM
Obtaining RFCs and Digital Private MIBs: Using ftp
You can obtain Requests for Comments (RFCs) and up-to-date DEChub Management Information
Base (MIBs) from Digital using anonymous ftp.
Digital offers Internet anonymous ftp access to private MIB information, in ASCII text
form, at
, with up-to-date documents stored in the directory
. Check the index file and the
file for the current contents. To
use anonymous ftp to copy files, follow these instructions:
1. Use the Internet application
to connect to
(the Internet
address is
2. Log in as user
3. Use your electronic mail address as the password.
4. Use the
command to get to the directory
5. Use the
command to specify that you are retrieving ASCII text files.
6. Use the
command to get the file or files that you require.
7. When you are finished, use the
command to log out.
Note that user input is case sensitive; you must type it as shown (user input is shown in
boldface type).
Here is an example of copying the
file from the repository.
% ftp gatekeeper.dec.com
Connected to gatekeeper.dec.com
220 GATEKEEPER.DEC.COM FTP Service Process
Name: anonymous
331 ANONYMOUS user ok, send real ident as password.
Password: [email protected]
230 User ANONYMOUS logged in at Tue 10–Aug–1993 10:24–EST, job 54.
ftp> cd /private/mib
331 Default name accepted. Send password to connect to it.
ftp> ascii
220 Type A ok.
ftp> get readme
200 Port 19.54 at host nnn.nn.nn.nn accepted.
150 ASCII retrieve of /PRIVATE/MIB/README started.
226 Transfer completed. 40239 (8) bytes transferred.
40239 bytes received in 23.65 seconds (5.8 Kbytes/s)
ftp> quit
MIBs and RFCs