Interpreting the Results of the Power-Up Tests
Booting the operating system after the system fails the
power-up tests can result in operating system errors.
Example 1
The following example shows a sample Windows NT power-up
test display with a failing test:
Copyright (c) 1993 Digital Equipment Corporation.
This 1MB Flash contains VERSION
n.n DEC 2000 Model 500 AXP console code.
DEC 2000 Model 500 AXP - Rom Version
Digital Equipment Corporation
System conducting power up tests
Press SPACEBAR to abort Memory Test
Testing MEM .... passed 32MB
Testing NVR .... passed
Testing SCC .... passed
Testing IT .... failed 00 0400
Testing KBD .... passed
Testing LPT .... passed
Testing VGA .... passed
Testing NI .... passed 09-2B-36-0A-12-FF
Testing SCSI .... passed
Power-on self-test errors were detected. Continue NT boot (Y/N)? n
Example 2
The following example shows an OSF/1 console power-up test
display where all the tests pass:
OK 09-2B-36-0A-12-FF
System power up OK.
Invoking Eisa Config Utility. Insert System Config floppy. Continue (Y/N)?
If the System
If the system fails the power-up tests, Digital recommends that
you return to the OpenVMS and OSF/1 console (enter N at
the prompt, if necessary), turn off the system and try again. If
the power-up tests continue to fail, see the Customer Technical
Information manual for information on troubleshooting the
system, running diagnostics, and contacting your Digital service
Using the System 2–13