Capacity (cont’d)
diskette, 6–10
QIC tape, 6–2
Cassette tape drive
controls and LED, 5–2
description, 5–2
inserting a cassette tape, 5–4
removing a cassette tape, 5–4
tape/activity LED function, 5–4
tape/activity LED location, 5–2
TLZ06, 1–12
troubleshooting information, 5–2
unload button function, 5–4
unload button location, 5–2
write-protect LED function, 5–4
write-protect LED location, 5–2
Cassette tapes
capacity, 6–6
compatibility with TZK10, 6–6
handling and storing, 6–7
inserting into a cassette tape drive, 5–4
removing from a cassette tape drive, 5–4
types, 6–6
uses, 5–2
write-protect switch positions, 6–8
write-protection, 6–8
device support, 1–5
CD-ROM drive
busy LED function, 4–6
busy LED location, 4–2
controls and LEDs, 4–2
description, 4–2
eject button function, 4–8
eject button location, 4–2
emergency eject hole function, 4–8
emergency eject hole location, 4–2
headphone socket location, 4–2
inserting caddy, 4–6
removing caddy, 4–8
troubleshooting information, 4–2
volume control location, 4–2
CD-ROM drives
accessing, 2–18
ordering, 1–13
CD-ROM drives (cont’d)
power requirements, 1–16
RRD42, 1–12
shelves, 1–12
Chassis keylock
location and description, 1–10
boot, 2–17
BOOT, 2–16
HALT, 3–8
Compact disc read-only memory
Compact discs
See also Caddy
capacity, 4–2
handling and storing, 6–12
inserting into a caddy, 4–4
uses, 4–2
cassette tape, 6–6
diskettes, 6–10
QIC tape, 6–2
displaying on IFP, 3–5
Configuration information
on IFP, 3–5
back panel, 1–8
SCSI, 7–8
Console terminal
connecting, 7–4
serial port, 7–2
settings, 7–2, 7–3
back panel, 1–10
cassette tape drive, 5–2
CD-ROM drive, 4–2
diskette drive, 4–10
front panel, 1–6
IFP, 3–2
QIC tape drive, 5–6
Count down
Windows NT Boot menu, 2–14