AlphaServer 8400
Alpha Servers 3.221
Step 9—Console Terminal
Console terminal with EIA-232 25-pin DSUB connector and printer required unless otherwise available.
Shielded console cable is included for connection to the console terminal.
VT510 terminal
LA30 printer
Step 10—Expansion—System Cabinet and I/O Expansion Cabinet
Step 10a—System Cabinet
System Cabinet includes one three-phase power regulator with space for two additional three-phase power regulators.
System cabinets shipped after June 1996 (H9F00-FC/FD/FE Rev B03 or greater) include the H7263-AC/AD non-battery
back-up ready power regulator. See Step 11 for power expansion options for these system cabinets.
Maximum four I/O channels per cabinet allowed. PCI and XMI plug-in units each require one I/O channel connection.
Four lower expansion bays are available for plug-in units. The lower bays accommodate plug-in units as follows.
AlphaServer 8400 System Cabinet
Expansion Bay
Plug-In Unit
Expansion Bays Occupied
Disk plug-in unit
XMI plug-in unit
Battery plug-in unit(H7237-AA/AC/CA/CB)
PCI plug-in unit
Four maximum
Two maximum
One maximum
Two maximum
Front or Rear
Front and Rear
Front and Rear
Rear only
Step 10b—I/O Expansion Cabinet
I/O Expansion Cabinet includes one three-phase power regulator
- Provides space for two additional three-phase power regulators
H9F00-BA/BB/BC Rev D03 or later cabinets include the H7263-AC or H7263-AD non-BBU capable power regulator.
Refer to Step 11 for expansion options.
I/O expansion cabinet
Three phase power, maximum two per system.
Note: -BA = 60 Hz, 208V, -BB = 50 Hz, 380/416V, -BC = 50/60 Hz, 202V.
Expansion cabinet can be configured to hold all disk plug-in units or combination of disk plug-in units and PCI or XMI
plug-in units.
- Six expansion bays—two upper and four lower—are available for plug-in units. The two upper bays accommodate
maximum of two disk plug-in units. The four lower bays accommodate plug-in units as follows:
Expansion Bay
Plug-In Unit
Expansion Bays Occupied
Disk plug-in unit
Disk plug-in unit
PCI plug-in unit
XMI plug-in unit
Battery plug-in unit (H7237-AA/AC/CA/CB)
Two maximum
Four maximum
Two maximum
Two maximum
One maximum
Front or Rear
Front or Rear
Rear only
Front and Rear
Front and Rear
Step 11
Power Expansion Components
System Cabinet and Expansion Cabinets must be same type; either three-phase or single-phase. Mixing of three-phase
and single-phase cabinets in same system configuration is not allowed.
Determine the need for adding second power regulator by filling in the EPU- Power Configuration Table. Note: The
Power Configuration Table provides a manual method for determining the need of second power regulator. Equivalent
power unit (EPU) is an equivalent value of power used (48 VDC) by each option.