Upgrade Manual
3.2 Update Firmware
Use the Loadable Firmware Update (LFU) Utility to update system firmware.
In Example 3–2 the user inserts the update CD-ROM, issues the LFU command,
and selects cda0 as the load device. In Example 3–3 the user starts LFU by
using a boot dka500 command.
Example 3–2 Updating Firmware with LFU Command
P00>>> lfu
***** Loadable Firmware Update Utility *****
Select firmware load device (cda0, dva0, ewa0), or
Press <return> to bypass loading and proceed to LFU: cda0
Please enter the name of the options firmware files list, or
Press <return> to use the default filename [AS4X00FW]: AS4X00CP
Copying AS4X00CP from DKA500. .
Copying [as4x00]RHREADME from DKA500. .
Copying [as4x00]RHSRMROM from DKA500. ....................
Copying [as4x00]RHARCROM from DKA500. .............
Function Description
Display Displays the system’s configuration table.
Exit Done exit LFU (reset).
List Lists the device, revision, firmware name, and
update revision.
Lfu Restarts LFU.
Readme Lists important release information.
Update Replaces current firmware with loadable data image.
Verify Compares loadable and hardware images.
? or Help Scrolls this function table.
UPD> list
Device Current Revision Filename Update Revision
AlphaBIOS V5.12-2 arcrom V5.24-0
srmflash V1.2-4 srmrom V3.0-10
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