Bracket Mode Screens
The easiest way to make sure the Elite 500 is in Bracket Mode is to press the Bracket key (BRKT). When in Bracket Mode
the Elite 500 LCD will display seven different screens. The different screens are broken into three types. The first type of screen is
the Bracket Screen, this is the main screen. The second type of screen is the Set Up screen. There are five different Set Up screens.
The last screen type is the Driver’s Reaction Tester. See page 19
for more information.
There are four lines of information shown on the Bracket Screen and all the Set Up screens. The information displayed for
each screen along with the screen number or the location of each screen is shown below.
Number and Type
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Line 4
2) Set Up
Tap Up
Tap Down
How Late
3) Set Up
* S.L.E.
P.B. Mode
S.F.O. Mode
4) Set Up
Stage 1 - Timer 1
Stage 2 - Timer 1
Stage 3 - Timer 1
Stage 4 – Timer 1
5) Set Up **
Stage 1 - Timer 2
Stage 2 - Timer 2
Stage 3 - Timer 2
Stage 4 – Timer 2
6) Set Up
Shift Point
Shift Number
Shift Mode
7) Drivers Reaction Tester
Reaction Time
* Will only display value if S.F.O. is set to corresponding mode.
** Will only be displayed if S.F.O. is set to mode 2
The main way to move from screen to screen is to use the Set Up key. If the Elite 500 is displaying Screen 3, which has the
SLE, PTSO, P.B. Mode, and S.F.O. information and the Set Up key is pressed and released the Elite 500 will now display Screen 4,
which has the first 4 Stage Timer settings. By repeatedly pressing the Set Up key the Elite 500 will cycle through screens two
through seven. If the S.F.O. mode is not set to 2 to enable the second 4 Stage Timers, Screen 5 will be skipped as the screens are
cycled through. However all settings for Screen 5 will still be stored in memory and will reappear when the second 4 Stage Timer is
turned on again. If the Elite 500 is displaying Screen 7 and the Set Up key is pressed and released the Elite 500 will go back to
Screen 2. To get back to Screen 1 (Bracket Screen) use the BRKT key. This can be done from any screen including any of the Pro
When viewing any of the first six screens there will be a set of arrows on the right side of the LCD. These selection arrows
point to the selected line on the screen. There will only be one selected line on the screen at a time, with the one exception being
when changing the Shift Point on Screen 6. Once a line has been selected the setting or value for that line can be changed. To change
the selected line, press and release the Next key. The selection arrows will move to the next line on the screen. If the line selected is
at the bottom of the screen the selection arrows will return to the top of the screen when the Next key is pressed and released again.
Bracket Mode Settings for Screen 1
When the Elite 500 is displaying Screen 1 the Bracket Screen, Your Dial is displayed on line 1, Their Dial is displayed on
line 2, Delay 1 is displayed on line 3, and Delay 2 is displayed on line 4. The Elite 500 uses the Dial-ins for two functions, first to see
whether to Crossover or not and secondly if Crossing over how much time will be added to Delay 1. To cancel out the Dial-ins either
enter all zeros or enter the same number in both Dial-ins. When just starting out, a good starting value for Delay 1 is 1.000 second.
Setting Dial-In or Delay Times
To enter a new Dial-In or Delay time the Elite 500 must first be displaying the Bracket Screen. If the Bracket Screen is not
being displayed press and release the BRKT key. When the Bracket Screen is first displayed the selection arrows will be on line 1
(Your Dial-in). This means that line 1 is selected, to change which line is selected use the Next key. Once the desired line has been
selected press and release the Clear key the selected display line will now be blank indicating the unit is ready to accept the new time.
Now using numerical keys enter the new time, leading zeros do not have to be entered. For example if 9.90 for a Dial-In time is
desired 990 would be entered on the keypad. If less than four digits are entered for a time, pressing the Next key will act as an enter
key and the leading zeros will displayed on the LCD.