Using all twos (22.22) will set the S.L.E. to Pro Mode. When the S.L.E. is set to Pro Mode, the release of the throttle will occur .25
seconds after the Transbrake is engaged. This means that the throttle must be closed using the Tap P.B. before staging.
Use the Throttle mode for Timer 2, which can only be set while viewing the 4 Stage times for Timer 2 on Screen 5, to
output voltage of the S.F.O. for the type of Throttle Stop being used as a Starting Line Enhancer.
Crossover Delay
= 01.35
Starting Line Enhancer
= 00.40
Timer 1
= 1.000
Timer 2
= 2.000
Timer 3
= 08.00
Timer 4
= 00.50
How the Programmable
Throttle Stop Override works
The Programmable Throttle Stop Override allows a programmable amount of time to be subtracted from either or both
Stages 2 and 4 by pressing the Tap push-button. After the Transbrake releases there is a quarter of a second disable time before the
Programmable Throttle Stop Override is enabled. This is to insure that a late delay Tap is not registered as a Programmable Throttle
Stop Override. If the Programmable Throttle Stop Override is turned on and after the Programmable Throttle Stop Override is
enabled, every time the Tap push-button is pressed while in either Stage 1 or 2 the Programmable Throttle Stop Override amount will
be subtracted from Stage 2. The P.T.S.O. can also be used with Stages 3 and 4. This done by pressing and releasing the Tap push-
button while in either Stage 3 or 4, the P.T.S.O. amount will be subtracted from Stage 4.
nly the main 4 Stage Timer (Timer 1) is affected by the P.T.S.O.