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Introducing the DigiPoS Digi-View 15A…

In retail from both a customer and user perspective screen quality is essential. From a

customer point of view for example, clarity is important and can even be a reflection of quality

and a perception of the store itself. For the store staff likewise screen clarity, brightness and

performance are essential for every day use and practical deployment at the centre of

Customer Service. 

Digipos Store Solutions technical development team undertake rigorous process, 

including in-store testing to ensure that Retail customers and store staff have the optimum

screen and price performance.

The Digi-View 15A is a designed for Retail 15"

TFT screen, a class leading product delivering

high brightness, without image distortion or

reduced visibility with excellent visual properties

from any operational use distance and across 

a wide angle of view. With an ergonomically

designed bezel and large viewing area the 

Digi-View 15A is ideal for both staff and customer

applications with full various mounting options

The Digi-View 15A can also be fully incorporated

into the Digipole range of in-store mounting

options. The experience of the design team

has been fully brought to bear in the design,

manufacture and installation of the new

DigiPole range of EPoS furniture.

DigiPoS Digi-View 15A:

Designed for Retail

Integrating EPoS:

The DigiPole Solution



At DigiPoS we recognise Retailers needs are not
always exactly the same. This is particularly true 
when it comes to the actual installation of the EPoS
system, and the embedding of all component parts 
into a particular store environment. A typical store
technology solution may now need to take into
account Staff screens, Customer VGA screens,
Customer displays, dual screens, a printer tray, 
Chip ‘n’ Pin mounting units and a wide variety of
components that all combine to ensure smooth 
day to day operation.

DigiPoS are experts in the provision of technology
solutions for retail. Over a number of years this has
been extended to include the design and manufacture
of mounting poles and equipment – right at the point 
of sale.

The DigiPole solution consists of over forty 
component parts, each carefully designed to meet
the needs of dozens of different scenarios and 
product combinations. Retailers can now have the
confidence in thoroughbred hardware technology
delivered by such products as the highly acclaimed
Retail Blade – incorporated within the DigiPole
framework of counter furniture.



The development and design process started with 
our many years of study and experience in observing
optimum performance requirements and product
demands at the Point of Sale. In the design of the
DigiPole, our specialist retail design engineers 

co-operated closely with our customers and spent
hundreds of man hours in perfecting solutions that
resulted in outstanding engineering design. 

Our design team specialise in the use of high-end
CAD applications such as AutoCAD Inventor 11 –
used in the design of motor vehicles to deliver the
optimum end product. Deploying this level of technology
and expertise enables scores of product combinations
to be measured, tested, viewed and analysed before
proceeding to prototype and manufacture.



Working to rigorous standards does not mean
that it has been necessary to sacrifice flexibility.
Certain items in the current product range have 
been designed from a ‘blank canvas’ to meet the
specific requirements a customer may have. This
service is available to all Digipos Store Solution
customers ensuring they can have the confidence
of selecting from a broad product range, or
focussing on the particular needs and demands 
of their own Retail Estate.

Driven by

Retailer demand

The DigiPole solution has been installed in thousands 
of Retail outlets across Europe. Retailers such as
New Look, NEXT, Rymans Contessa La Senza 
and Runners Point have all selected the DigiPole
solution on the basis of quality of product, design
flexibility, product range and clearly the absolute 
price advantage that Digipos is again able to bring 
to Retailers.

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