In many cases, remote LANs will use subnets and dynamically-assigned addresses internally, so the IP
addresses of DF-1710s on the remote LAN cannot be reliably or easily known. Furthermore, firewall and port
mapping issues can become complex, especially when multiple DF-1710s need to be administered on each
remote LAN. For these applications the DF-1710 has been designed to use a “pull” or “fetch” mode of
operation. In “pull” mode, the script file contains a list of internet URLs (addresses) which point to locations on
a web server rather than direct references to files residing on the DF-1710’s own hard disk.
Figure 5 below illustrates this mode. The main script and media files reside on a web server: your own, your
personal website space on your ISP’s server, or an independent website. A “fetch” script file is first written and
“pushed” to the DF-1710 locally, either before it’s installed at the remote location, with a local PC at the remote
location, or from a CD or memory card. This “fetch” script will typically consist of one line, which references the
“main” script on the server. Here’s an example:
When the DF-1710 plays the “fetch” script, it will call the main script from the server as a “nested” script, in a
manner similar to a subroutine in a program.
Media references in the main (nested) script are relative to its location, i.e. if the main script contains the line
the file picture.jpg will be looked for on the server, in a directory called “pictures”, which is assumed to be a
subdirectory of “frame0001”, the directory on the server in which the main script file resides. This convention
allows script files to execute properly regardless of their location, provided the relative directory structure
between them and their media remains the same.
The advantages of the “Pull” mode method are that the IP addresses of remote DF-1710s do not need to be
known, and firewall issues are not a problem since no FTP access is required from outside the remote LANs. In
order to change what is displayed on the remote DF-1710(s) the media and script files are simply changed on
the server.
Pull mode is very powerful and flexible once you get the hang of it. Take a look at the “Photo Sharing” tutorial
in this manual for an example.