D T 5 0 - M C O M M A N D R E F E R E N C E G U I D E 1 . 1 P a g e
8 | 38
A Bluetooth connection to the remote device (the device to configure) must exist. The Bluetooth
connection can e.g. be established using another DT50, a device with a PC-card/compact flash or a
device with embedded Bluetooth support. The remote DT50 must have turned on the support for
configuration over Bluetooth, for more information see the "Write Allow Configuration Over Bluetooth"
command. Once the connection has been established, the escape sequence must be sent over the
Bluetooth connection to the remote DT50 to move it into AT mode.
The same escape sequence rules apply to AT over Bluetooth as for AT over cable, for more information
see the section about Data Mode and AT Mode.
Note that the same escape sequence is used for cable and Bluetooth. Therefore, if you are using two
DT50s one of the DT50s must have its escape sequence changed using the ATS2 command. This is to
keep the first DT50 to enter AT mode instead of the remote DT50.
5 Syntax
5.1 Command Line Format
Each command line sent from the DTE to the DT50 is made up of a prefix, body and terminator. As prefix
for the DT50 AT commands, only "AT" (ASCII 065, 084) and "at" (ASCII 097, 116) can be used. There is no
distinction between upper and lower case characters. The body is a string of characters in the range
ASCII 032-255. Control characters other than <CR> (carriage return; ASCII 013) and <BS> (back space;
ASCII 008) in a command line are ignored. The terminator is <CR>. Commands denoted with a "+"
character are extended
AT commands, i.e. DT50 specific AT commands. Multiple commands in the same command line are not
supported. Each command has to be terminated by a <CR> before a new command can be sent. A
command must not be larger than 300 characters. A command can either be:
Read commands without parameters: AT<command>?<CR>
Write commands without parameters: AT<command><CR>
Read and write commands with parameters: AT<command>=<parameter1>,
Responses are sent back to the host and can be any of the following:
Successful final message: <CR><LF>OK<CR><LF>
Successful intermediate/final message with parameters follows an OK message in some
commands. In these cases the OK message works as a confirm message only.
<CR><LF><result_response>:<parameter1>, parameter2>, ...<parameterN>
Error message:<CR><LF>ERROR<CR><LF>