D T 5 0 - M C O M M A N D R E F E R E N C E G U I D E 1 . 1 P a g e
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5.2 Data Types
The definition of each command specifies the data types used for values associated with the command.
There are four data types:
Bluetooth Device Address
Byte Array
5.2.1 String
A string shall consist of a sequence of displayable characters from the ISO 8859-1 (8-bit ASCII) character
set, except for characters "\" and """ and characters below 32 (space). A string constant shall be
delimited by two double-quote (""") characters, e.g. "Donald Duck". If the double-quote character (""")
is to be used within a string, e.g. "My friend "Bono" is a singer", they have to be represented as "\22". If
the back-slash character ("\") is to be used within a string constant, it has to be represented as "\5C". An
empty string is represented by two adjacent delimiters, "".
5.2.2 Integer
An integer value consists of a sequence of characters all in the range {0..9}. Numeric constants are
expressed in decimal format only.
5.2.3 Enumerator
An enumerator value is actually an integer, where all its possible values are specified in each case. Only
the defined values are accepted for the command in question.
5.2.4 Bd_Addr
This type is used to represent the Bluetooth Device Address. The type is composed of six fields, each
representing a hexadecimal value using two characters. For example, the Bluetooth Device Address
0x112233AABBCC is represented as 112233AABBCC or 112233aabbcc. Note that the Bluetooth Device
Address is
delimited with by two double-quote (""") characters.
5.2.5 Byte Array
This type is used to represent a byte array such as e.g. a UUID. For example, the AT*ADUUID configures
a 128 bits UUID as 00112233445566778899AABBCCDDEEFF