Epsilon-8130 User Manual Revision 1.0 PRELIMINARY
Page 8
3.1 Functional Block Diagram
Figure 1. Functional Block Diagram
Epsilon-8130 is an 8-Port managed Gigabit Ethernet switch module of f ering 10/100/1000Mbps copper twisted pair
ports on a PC/104 f orm f actor board. Epsilon-8130 operates standalone, requiring no connection to a single
board computer in the stack. It contains built-in microcontroller and memory f or conf iguration and management.
The Flash memory holds dual application images along with the boot code. The SRAM is used f or program
execution and storing MAC addresses and other operational conf iguration data.
An RS-232 interf ace is provided to enable communication between the on-board management microcontroller
and a host processor through a CLI interf ace. Direct UART TTL logic is also supported by by-passing RS-232
transceiver based on requirements. The microcontroller is also accessible through one of the Ethernet ports via a
web management interf ace.
Power is provided through the +5-34VDC wide-range DC power supply built into the board, enabling use with
industrial power sources.