Beware of moving parts during usage.
Peform a risk assessment on the user before using the Walker to ensure they can stand and peform simple
The device may not be used by infants, children or adults who are 146 cm or shorter.
The caregiver must be able to read and understand the Manual/IFU of the product.
Caregiver: Never use the device if you have not had a proper training on how to use the device including the
Maintenance/Service staff: Never maintain the device if you have not had a proper training on how to use and
maintain the device including the accessories.
It is important to use only approved accessories to prevent unintended detachment of components and
subsequently a fall that may lead to patient injury.
Use careful and gentle maneuvers when moving the device.
Perform maintenance/service of the device, according to the instructions in the IFU (Instruction for use), at
least once every 12 months.
No parts of the device shall be serviced, while the device is in use
Accessories must be properly fitted and tested in relation to the user’s needs and functional ability.
Special care must be taken when using strong electrical power sources such as diathermy and the like so
that diathermy cables are not placed on or near the device. In case of doubt consult with a Direct Healthcare
Group representative.
When lifting the device, only use the denoted handholds. At least two people are required for lifting the
Do not leave a patient unattended when the device is being used.
The device can not be used by patient alone.
Never move the walker by pulling on the actuator device or gas piston.
The device must not be lowered into water.
The device must not be cleaned using steam.
The device must not be left or stored in a damp or humid environment.
The device must not be charged in a wet room.
The device must not be used outdoors, only indoors.
To avoid the risk of electric shock, this equipment must only be conected to a supply mains with protective
No modification of this equipment is allowed
Do not modify this equipment without authorisation of the manufacturer.
If this equipment is modified, appropriate inspection and testing must be conducted to ensure continued safe
use of this equipment.
Do not use the device while it is charging.
Do not use the device if any of the cables shows signs of wear and tear.
Do not put the device in direct sunlight as it may get hot.
Do not run over the cables with the walker or other devices.
Always make sure that you have the correct version of the manual. The most recent version of all manuals are
available for downloading at/from our website: www.directhealthcaregroup.com.
Always read the user manual