Flight manual DG-1000S
Issued: March 2002
Oxygen system
Installation of the oxygen cylinders
Max. size of oxygen bottle is 7 l capacity with diameter 140 mm (5.5 in.)- If
a bottle with smaller diameter is used, this bottle must be wrapped with
plastic to come to the same diameter of 140 mm. The bottle must be fixed at
its neck with a bracket Z 14 (available at DG-Flugzeugbau GmbH).
Installation of the oxygen equipment
To ensure a safe installation ask DG Flugzeugbau for an installation
instruction. For the installation of the Dräger Höhenatmer E 20088 you will
find an installation plan 5EP34 in the maintenance Manual.
ELT Emergency Locator Transmitter
To ensure a safe installation ask DG Flugzeugbau for an installation instruction.
For the ELT ACK you will find an installation plan 5 EP50 in the maintenance
Concerning 7.15.2 and 7.15.3
The installation has to be accomplished by the aircraft manufacturer or by an
approved service station and to be inspected and entered in the aircraft log book
by a licensed inspector.
Heavy tailwheel
Instead of the standard tailwheel with plastic hub S23 a tailwheel with brass hub
S27/1 may be installed. The installation kit S27/4 is available at
DG Flugzeugbau.
The difference in mass between both hubs is 3.1 kg (6.84 lbs.). With the brass
hub the min. front cockpit load is increased by 8.5 kg (18.74 lbs.). This higher
value must be entered in the cockpit data placards and on page 6.7. Even if the
heavy tailwheel is installed only sometimes, the higher min. cockpit load must
be entered.
Flight manual DG-1000S
Issued: March 2002
Battery in the baggage compartment with battery selector switch
An additional battery Z73 12V 7AH with holder Z72 may be installed in the
baggage compartment. In this case a battery selector switch must be installed in
the front instrument panel.
In the centre position of the switch both batteries are disconnected from the
gliders electrical system.
In position I (left) the battery in the fin is connected to the electrical system.
In position II (right) the battery in the baggage compartment is connected to the
electrical system.