Flight manual DG-1000S
Issued: March 2002
LBA app.
Flick manoeuvres
The flick manoeuvres which have been tested with the DG-1000S should only
be executed by experienced aerobatic pilots. The result is dependent as for any
other sailplane on several parameters like inducing control speed, C.G. position,
control movement during rotation etc.
Due to the large span and the resulting large moment of inertia, executing flick
manoeuvres is more difficult than with smaller aerobatic gliders. Therefore you
should not try these manoeuvres solo unless you have trained and mastered them
on other gliders
Half positive flick roll from normal to inverted flight with half positive loop
Tested entry speed: 120 – 140 km/h (65 – 76 kts.).
Prior to inducing the flick roll, place the nose a little below the horizon.
Induce the half roll with full stick backwards and full rudder only. After the
rotation starts ease the stick to neutral to avoid too large an angle of attack and
unnecessary loss of speed.
Stop the rolling motion in the inverted position by neutralizing the elevator
control and with a little rudder against the rolling direction. Then pull the stick
back to fly the half positive loop before the glider stalls in the inverted attitude.
If you keep the stick pulled back for a too long a time during entry, it may not be
possible to stop the rotation in the inverted attitude and the glider will continue
to roll into normal flight position.
Half negative flick roll from inverted to normal flight
Tested entry speed: 130 – 150 km/h (70 – 81 kts.).
Induce the half roll with full stick forwards and full rudder only. If you use
additional aileron there may be some vibration in the fuselage due to vortexes.
The vibrations don’t impair the flight characteristics.
Shortly before reaching normal upright position, the rotation has to be stopped
by pulling the stick backwards and applying some opposite rudder.
Stopping the half roll in exactly horizontal attitude is nearly impossible. The
glider will adopt a nose down position.
Flight manual DG-1000S
Issued: March 2002
LBA app.
Introduction ..............................................................................................5.2
Approved data ..........................................................................................5.3
Airspeed indicator system calibration................................................5.3
Stall speeds .........................................................................................5.4
Additional Information.............................................................................5.5
Demonstrated crosswind performance...............................................5.5
Gliding performance ..........................................................................5.5
Flight polar with 20 m wing span ......................................................5.6
Flight polar with 18 m wing span ......................................................5.7