Flight manual DG-1000S
Issued: March 2002
LBA app.
Winch launch
Winch launch is only allowed at the C.G. tow hook!
Set the trim to neutral for winch launch.
During ground roll and initial take-off (especially when flying solo)
push the control stick to a forward position to prevent excessive nose-up
pitching rotation during initial take-off.
After reaching safety altitude gradually pull back on the stick, so that the glider
will not pick up excessive speed. Don't pull too hard.
After reaching release altitude pull the tow release knob.
Recommended winch launch airspeed 110-120 km/h (60-65 kts.).
Do not fly at less than 90 km/h (49kts.) or not more than 150 km/h
(81 kts.).
Winch launch with high take off weight requires a powerful winch!
Free flight
Stalling characteristics
(level and turning flight)
When stalled the DG-1000S will warn by buffeting. If the stick is pulled further
the DG-1000S will drop one wing.
Only at forward C.G. positions the DG-1000S can be flown in stall without wing
dropping, maintain control during stalled flight only with the rudder, holding the
ailerons neutral.
With stick forward and opposite rudder if required, the DG-1000S can be
recovered without much loss of height. Rain does not influence this behaviour
noticeably. The loss of height is ca. 50 m (160 ft).
Stall airspeeds see section 5.2.2.
Flights in conditions conducive to lightning strikes must be avoided.
Flight manual DG-1000S
Issued: March 2002
LBA app.
Approach and landing
Normal landing
It is recommended to dump the waterballast before landing even on airfields.
Dump the ballast before an outlanding in any case.
Abeam the landing point extend the landing gear. In calm weather approach
with approx. 100 km/h (54 kts.) (ballast dumped!). With strong wind and / or
waterballast fly faster! The very effective Schempp-Hirth dive brakes make a
short landing possible. So a slip is not necessary as a landing technique.
While slipping the rudder is sucked in its displaced position. So it is
recommended to practise slipping at a higher altitude.
The slip can be introduced at the recommended approach speed see above.
To recover from the slip neutralize the aileron control first, this will reduce the
force which sucks the rudder in it’s displaced position.
During the slip the airspeed indicator shows airspeed values which are too low,
so the slip must be executed with regard to the position of the horizon.
No influence on the slipping characteristics when slipping with partially filled
waterballast is noticeable.
Strong crosswind offers no problem.
Do not approach too slowly with fully extended airbrakes otherwise the aircraft
may drop during flare out. When flaring out keep the airbrake setting you were
using, opening them further may drop the sailplane!
You can land the DG-1000S on soft fields with the landing gear extended, as
there is no tendency of nosing over. During touch down pull the stick
completely to avoid the fuselage nose touching the ground.
After landing in a muddy field clean the landing gear and tow releases.
Dirt in the front strut can keep the landing gear from locking over centre next
time. Simply hosing with water is the best cleaning method.