Flight manual DG-1000S
Issued: March 2002
LBA app.
Spin Recovery
Apply full opposite rudder against direction of the spin, pause.
Then ease stick forward until the rotation ceases, centralize the controls and
carefully pull out of the dive.
The ailerons should be kept neutral during recovery.
To prevent unintentional spinning do not stall the sailplane. Fly with
enough speed reserve especially in gusty conditions and in the landing pattern.
Intentional spins with waterballast are not permitted.
Height loss during recovery
ca. 50-100 m (160-320ft)
max. speed during recovery
max. 200 km/h (108 kts.)
Spiral dive recovery
Apply rudder and aileron in opposite direction and carefully pull out of the dive.
Spiral dive occurs only when spinning more than 2 turns with medium C.G.
positions, see section 4.5.8.
To prevent spiral dives intentional spinning should only be executed at aft C.G.
Recovery from unintentional spinning should be done immediately.
Recovery from unintentional cloud flying
Spins are not to be used to loose altitude. In an emergency, pull out the dive
brakes fully before exceeding a speed of 200 km/h and fly with max. 200 km/h
(108 kts.) until leaving the cloud.
At higher speeds up to V
pull out the dive brakes very carefully because of
high aerodynamic and g-loads.
Flight manual DG-1000S
Issued: March 2002
LBA app.
Flight with asymmetric waterballast
If you suspect that the waterballast does not dump symmetrically you have to
close the dump valves of the wingtanks immediately, to avoid greater
Asymmetry can be verified by the necessary aileron deflection in straight flight
at low airspeeds.
When flying with asymmetric waterballast you have to increase the airspeed,
especially in turns, so that you can avoid a stall at all costs.
Fly the landing pattern and touch down aprox. 10 km/h (6 kts.) faster than
usually and after touch down control carefully the bank angle to avoid the wing
touching the ground too early.
Defective fin ballast dump
If the fin ballast dump valve handle can be operated with unusually low effort (
force of the retaining spring is no longer apparent), you must assume that the fin
ballast may no longer be dumped. In such a case, to avoid unsafe rearward C.G
position, do not dump the wing ballast. Take into account the high mass of your
glider and especially for the landing, increase the approach speed accordingly.
Emergency wheel up landing
It is not recommended to execute a wheel up emergency landing, as the energy
absorption capability of the fuselage is much smaller than that of the landing
If the landing gear can't be extended touch down with small angle of attack.