Chapter 7
Chapter 7 BIOS Setup
Super IO Configuration
This section configures the system super I/O chip parameters.
SYS Smart Fan/CPU Smart Fan/SYS Smart Fan 2 Control
Enable or disable the smart fan control.
Boundary 1 to Boundary 4
Set the boundary temperatures that determine the operation of the fan with different
fan speeds accordingly. For example, when the system or the CPU temperature reaches
boundary temperature 1, the system or CPU fan should be turned on and operate at
the designated speed.
The range of the temperature is from 0 to 127
Fan Speed Count 1 to Fan Speed Count 4
Set the fan speed. The range is from 1 (lowest speed)-100% (full speed).
COM Port 1 and COM Port 6
Enable or disable each serial port.
Disable this serial port.
Enable this serial port.
It also shows the Base I/O address and the assigned interrupt number.
For COM Port 1 and COM Port 2, you can enable or disable the RS485 auto flow mechanism.
Enable or disable the watchdog function. A counter will appear if you select to enable WDT.
Input any value between 1 and 255.
Case Open
Enable or disable the case open function.