Award BIOS Setup Utility
Resume On Alarm
When Enabled, you can s et the date and time you
would like the Soft Power Down (Soft-Off) PC to
power-on. However, if the system is being accessed by
incoming calls or the network (Resume On Ring/LAN)
prior to the date and time set in this field, the system
will give priority to the incoming calls or network. Date
(of Month) and Timer (hh:mm:ss) will appear right
below this field.
Disables the automatic power-on function. (default)
Date (of Month)
The system will power-on everyday according to the time
set in the Timer (hh:mm:ss) field.
Select a date you would like the system to power-on. The
system will power-on on the set date, and time set in the
Timer (hh:mm:ss) field.
Timer (hh:mm:ss)
This is used to set the time you would like the system to power- on.
If you want the system to power-on everyday as set in the Date (of
Month) field, the time set in this field must be later than the time of
the RTC in the Standard CMOS Setup.
PM Events
When enabled, access to the specified IRQ will cause the system to
wake up completely from the power management mode. When
disabled, the system will not wake up from the power management
mode despite access to the specified IRQ.