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Chapter 4 Supported Software
Chapter 4
DP Emulators
1. Introduction
DP Emulator carries out the simulation on four DP ports of BE170/BE171/BE173 respectively.
Current Status indicates that the simulation on all DP ports is enabled or disabled.
Disable: means the simulation does not work. All DP ports will not be simulated and stay on
the usual status.
Enable: means the simulation works. The signal of the specific DP port will be simulated.
I. When the simulation works on the specific DP port, the signal will be simulated. Even
though the DP port is disconnected to the screen, the system still detects the connection
between them.
II. If you use more than one DP port and enable the DP Emulator on the specific DP port,
even though the cable connected the DP port to the screen is removed, the system still de-
tects the connection between the DP port and the screen and will not rearrange the order
of all DP ports.
III.Customers’ settings will be memorized when the DP Emulator is disabled. While restarting
the system or shutting down and restarting the system, this tool will automatically carry out
the memorized settings.