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When the inverter is turned off, it stops working immediately, and go to standby mode and
then will go to self-test program again. If it passed the self-test, it will start to work again.
Pic 8.15 ON/OFF se�ng
8.2.3 ON/OFF se�ng
ON / OFF <<
Turn ON <<
Turn OFF
Turn ON
OK << Cancel
Turn OFF
OK << Cancel
Each PV string current and this func�on is op�onal.
Pic 8.16 PV String current
8.2.4 PV VA se�ng
PV VA <<
Branch 1 : 0.0A
Branch 2 : 0.0A
There are five submenus in the setup.Se�ng includes system param, run param, protect
param, comm
param. All of these informa�on for maintenance reference.
Pic 8.17 Submenus of the parameter setup
8.2.5 Parameter se�ng
Setup <<
System Param <<
Run Param
Protect Param
Comm. Param <<