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10.1 Error code
If there is any failure,the LCD screen will display an alarm message. In this case,the inverter
may stop feeding energy into the grid. The alarm descrip�on and their corresponding alarm
messages are listed Table 10.1
Error code
Ongrid - Three Phase
DC input polarity reverse fault
Check the PV input polarity
DC leakage current fault
Hardly appear the code. Never ever happened so far
GFDI blown fuse
Hardly appear the code. Never ever happened so far
AC main contactor errors
Hardly appear the code. Never ever happened so far
AC auxiliary contactor errors
Hardly appear the code. Never ever happened so far
DC firmware over current
Hardly appear the code. Never ever happened so far.
GFDI grounding touch failure
Hardly appear the code. Never ever happened so far
DC insula�on impedance
permanent fault
Check the grounding cable of inverter.
Ground fault GFDI
Check the solar panel output connec�on.
Hardly appear the code. Never ever happened so far.
IGBT damaged by excessive drop
Hardly appear the code. Never ever happened so far.
Auxiliary switch power supply
Read the memory error
Failure in reading memory (EEPROM). Restart the inverter if the
fault s�ll exists, contact your installer or Deye service.
Write the memory error
Failure in wri�ng memory (EEPROM). Restart the inverter if the
fault s�ll exists, contact your installer or Deye service.
1. It tells the DC 12V is not existed.
2. Restart the inverter, if the fault s�ll exists, please contact
your installer or Deye service.
Working mode changed/Grid
mode changed
1. Lost of one phase or AC voltage detec�on circuit or relays not
closed (old inverter not have relays detec�on func�on).
2. Restart the inverter, if the error s�ll exists, please contact your
installer or Deye service.
AC firmware over current
1. The internal AC sensor or detec�on circuit on control board
or connec�on wire may loose.
2. Restart the inverter, if the error s�ll exists, please contact
your installer or Deye service.
AC over current fault of hardware
1. Check AC sensor or detec�on circuit on control board or
connec�on wire.
2. Restart the inverter or factory reset, if the error s�ll exists,
please contact your installer or Deye service.
GFCI(RCD) Ac leakage current
1. This fault means the average leakage current is over 300mA.
Check whether DC power supply or solar panels is ok, then
check 'Test data'-> 'diL'value is about 40; Then check the
leakage current sensor or circuit (the following picture).
Checking test data needs using big LCD.
2. Restart the inverter, if the error s�ll exists, please contact
your installer or Deye service.
Three phase current,
over-current fault
Hardly appear the code. Never ever happened so far.
All hardware failure synthesis