Part # 8533-096-001 11/16
Part # 8533-096-001 11/16
Steam Valve Troubleshooting
If the valve does not engage in a heated bath:
1) Check the calibration switch is set to run position.
2) Check that I/O board jumpers are changed to the level side , Jumper must start closest to
level input light and open pin will be towards door input lights.
3) Check actual water temperature is less than programmed temperature
4) Check the temperature sensor for open circuit or shorted
5) Check low level contacts on the pressure switch not closing
6) Check steam valve coil
7) Check the wiring between temperature board and sensor at all connectors and inspect wires for
any damage.
If the temperature control board is removed, the programmed temperature values are retained in all baths
and the water valves to fill that bath are chosen based on the programmed temperature.
Steam Heated Washer Schematics
Control voltage (115VAC / 60hz) is used to power the steam valve coil. The supply voltage will intiate
from the I/O board Terminal number #6 (wht/blue wire) to the steam valve coil when heat is being called
for by temperature board. The neutral will be supplied from the (blu/yel) wire connected to AC neutral
terminal on the I/O board. The valve will get a signal when the pressure switch reaches low level . 115
vac will operate steam valve until programmed temperature is reached.
Please remember you will lose a cold water dispenser flush signal as this is now the operating signal track
on the I/O PCB board . It is marked on the lettering shield on the top of the I/O board.
If the Stop button is pressed momentarily (soak condition) while the heaters are energized, the cylinder will
continue with a 3 minute pause between each forward /reverse rotation until the set temperature has been
reached. The normal 15 minute pause between each forward/reverse rotation will then take place until the
start button is pushed to resume the cycle.
To assure that the programmed temperature will be maintained throughout the entire bath, the water tem-
peratures will normally overshoot the set temperature by 1 to 3 degrees. The steam valve will engage if
the bath temperature drops more than 3 degrees below the set temperature.
Programming Differences
The heated water bath is programmed in the water temperature selection portion of the microprocessor.
At temperature selection portion of programming there will be the following choices :
EE (tub empty),CC (cold), CH (warm), HH (hot), or any temperature between 20 degrees and 90 degrees in
Use the up arrow and down arrow pad to set the water temperature desired (Centigrade) and then push
the green start button to accept the change and then move to the next programming sequence.
Continue with any other cycle changes as previouslly discussed.
To exit the program mode and accept all changes press the red Stop button while any one of the nine bath
lights (top row of lights) are lit. The" Select Cycle " light should be on.
Turn the run/program key back to run position. If the program mode is exited incorrectly, the "Program" light
will remain lit and the machine will remain in the program mode until the run/program key is turned back to
the program position and the program is exited correctly.
Steam Calibration
The calibration should be checked whenever a temperature sensor has been replaced or if actual water
temperature varies significantly from the display. To calibrate the temperature control board go to step # 15
of the diagonstic cycle(#31).Actual temperature will be shown in display.
On the temperature control board move the cal- run switch to the calibrate position. The factory set calibration
temperature of 98 degrees C should show on the display after a few seconds. Now turn the adjusting screw
clockwise to increase calibration point and display temperature or counterclockwise to decrease calibration
point and display temperature. The display is updated every 5 seconds so make adjustments in very small
Be sure to allow ample time for display to respond to updates. If adjustments of higher than 100 degrees C
only the last two digits will be displayed.