IOLite LX Quick Start
10. Operating the real-time controller
To control the real-time controller we can use the buttons in the “Control” section.
The first button, “Download” reads the current configuration from the IOLite LX and applies it to the
options in Dewesoft. This enables us to keep the current configuration even if we have not saved the
setup in Dewesoft when we were setting up the controller previously.
The second button, “Upload”, writes the configuration we have set up in Dewesoft to the IOLite LX.
The buttons “Start” and “Stop” control the state of the controller.
Image 16: Control section
We can see the current state of the controller on the right of the Control section. It tells us if the
controller is stopped, running, and if the configuration has changed.
Image 17: Controller state indication
Once the controller is in a running state, all the input channels are locked and grayed out to prevent any
unintentional changes.
11. Importing logged data
11.1. Importing data to Dewesoft
When you want to review the logged data, you need to go into the Analyze mode, select “Import” and
then “RT Data Logger”.
Image 18: Analyze mode
IOLite LX Quick Start V21-1