DS-CAM 600
3. The DS-CAM-600 supports DHCP, so just set your computer's IP address to automatic and wait until
the IP is assigned. To test if the camera is working you can run Smartek GigEVisionClient. By right-click
on the camera you can also set IP to fix, if you prefer.
Illustration 9: OK, cameras can be used, close the GigEVisionClient and start DEWESoft.
4. To enable the camera in Dewesoft copy the file GigECamera.cdv into the Dewesoft Addons folder,
usually located in Dewesoft7\Bin\V7_1\Addons
5. Copy and replace your existing DEWESoft.exe with the one downloaded.
6. Start DEWESoft and go to Settings > Hardware setup > Analog. For triggered mode (DEWESoft is
clocking the camera), check if your device (such as DEWE-43 for example) is set to Standalone or Master:
Illustration 10: Dewesoft > Settings > Hardware setup > Analog: Set device to Master or Standalone
7. Go to the Video tab and check »GigE Vision« and »Use trigger«.
DS-CAM 600 V20-1