User Manual v4.10
This is the delay between detecting the failed responses and re-starting the pings. It is also the
startup delay before beginning pings. Its purpose is to give the target machine time to boot
up, or reboot.
Ping Time
The time between sending the ping message and receiving thee response. Timing is given in
uS, but subject to a 1-2mS jitter.
Rebooting the target machine
A relay can be used to reboot the target machine. This may be by connecting to its reset input,
or even removing and restoring power. The details of this are left to you.
In this example we are going to generate a reset pulse by pulsing Relay1 for 2 seconds when
the ping time goes to zero. To do this enter 2000 in the pulse/follow box and P1<1 in the Set
Relay box.
If you are going to reboot by removing power, you might want a longer pulse, say 30000mS or
30 seconds.
You might also send a notification email:
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