User Manual DEV 1953
Copyright DEV Systemtechnik GmbH 2015-2017
stands for hitting the "Enter" or "
" key on the keyboard.
All characters/commands to be entered are case sensitive.
If the serial interface is not assigned to any CPH protocol it is not required to
during the boot process. I.e. it is always possible to enter the
configuration program without any time limits or restrictions regarding the
number of login attempts.
Otherwise (i.e. if a CPH protocol is assigned), if nothing is entered at the
DEV login:
prompt, or after the third unsuccessful attempt to login, the CPH
takes over the serial interface which is announced by:
CPH starts now!
After successful authentication, the configuration program is launched. After start
and after the finalization of most of the choices the program lists the choices that
can be performed:
1 set IP address (
2 set netmask (
3 set gateway (
q quit without saving
x save configuration and exit
your choice >
Choices can be executed by typing the character in the first column of each line
followed by a
. The second column of each line provides a short description of
the choice and the third column displays in parentheses the current setting of the
corresponding choice. In the example above, the IP address and the netmask are
different from the factory network settings (chapter 4.3.3).
When using the "
" choice the configuration
program terminates. If a CPH protocol
is assigned, the CPH takes over the serial interface, which is announced by:
CPH starts now!
When using the "
" choice the configuration
program saves all changes made and
resets the device (i.e.
rebooting the device
your choice >
rebooting the device, please wait...
After a device reset it takes a few moments before the serial interface is accessible
again as described at the beginning of this chapter.
In the following, the available choices are explained: