Do not burn used lubricating oil in fuel. It will cause the diesel
particulate filter to prematurely plug with ash.
Used Lubricating Oil
Do not use fuel blended with used lubricating oil.
Detroit™ specifically prohibits the use of used lubricating oil in diesel fuel.
Used lubricating oil contains combustion acids and particulate materials
which can severely erode fuel injector components, resulting in loss of power
and increased exhaust emissions. In addition, the use of drained lubricating
oil will increase maintenance requirements due to filter plugging and
combustion deposits.
To avoid increased risk of a fuel fire, do not mix gasoline and
diesel fuel.
Detroit™ will not be responsible for any detrimental effects
resulting from adding drained lubricating oil or gasoline to the diesel fuel.
The addition of gasoline to diesel fuel will create a serious fire
hazard. The presence of gasoline in diesel fuel will reduce fuel cetane
number and increase combustion temperatures. Drain and clean tanks which
contain a mixture of gasoline and diesel fuel as soon as possible.
Fuel Additives with Sulfur or Sulfated Ash
Do not use non-approved fuel
additives containing sulfur or sulfated ash.
How to Replace the Fuel Filters
If you have just changed the engine oil and filter, you
the engine and confirm proper oil pressure before changing the fuel filters. If
no oil pressure is shown after approximately 10 seconds, stop the engine
and determine the cause. Running the engine with no oil pressure could
result in engine damage. Start the engine with the accelerator pedal in the
idle position. Monitor the oil pressure gauge or indicator lamp. Keep the
engine running at idling speed until the oil pressure reading is 97 kPa (14
PSI) or more.
If you are replacing all fuel filters, it is not necessary to run the
engine and test for leaks after installing each individual fuel filter. However,
if repairing a leak at one filter, complete that repair and test the system for
leaks after priming the fuel system.
Filters are an integral part of the fuel system. Proper filter selection and
maintenance are important to satisfactory engine operation and service life. Filters
should be used to maintain a clean system, not to clean up a contaminated system.
The scheduled maintenance intervals for the appropriate duty cycles are listed in
this manual.
DD Platform EuroIV Operators Manual
All information subject to change without notice.