• If a part-presence sensor is used: Presence of the part
The following additional errors or informational notes are shown:
Displayed Text
0 OK
the predetermined minimum time of the screw-process was
not reached
the predetermined maximum time of the screw-process was
PART MISSING no part is present
CHANGE PART the predetermined number of individual O.K. screw-joints
per part has been reached! Change part!
Table 16:
Errors of F-function
9.2.2 Operation with supervision of number of screw-joints per part
This operational mode is activated if the amount of individual screw-joints per part is input
into the screwdriving program with a number larger than ZERO.
With this operational mode, the time-frame in the menu item “Settings
Time Frame“ will be activated. The number of individual screw joints in the menu item
Number of screw joints“ will be controlled as well.
If the screwdriver does not shut-off within the predetermined time-frame, then an error
message will be shown on the display and the RED status-light glows. If the part is re-
moved prior to reaching the predetermined number of O.K. screw-joints per part, then an
error „Part Missing“ is displayed.
If the correct number of O.K. screw-joints is reached, the controller will give an acoustical
signal and the display indicates „Change Part”. If the screwdriver is used on the same, al-
ready assembled part, the AST11 controller blocks the screwdriver, until a new part is pre-
sented (loaded). Thereafter, the screwdriver is ready for the next screwing sequence.
This operational mode also allows to lock the part, e.g. with a locking-cylinder. For this op-
tion use the output „Magnetic Valve“ on the Interface F-controller. The part will only be re-
leased, when the correct amount of O.K. screw-joints per part are reached.
If the part has to be removed prior to reaching the predetermined number of O.K. Screw-
screw joints (because of an error), then the output can be released through the higher le-
vel controller or by using the right function key on the sequence controller (if activated).
9.2.3 Operation without the supervision of number of screw-joints per part
This operational mode is active, if the number of screw-assemblies per part is input into
the screwdriving program with a ZERO.
Then the AST11 reacts to incorrect screw-joints as described in
pervision of number of screw-joints per part
. However, the monitoring of O.K. screw-
assemblies per part is inactive. If a part-sensor for part presence or a PLC is connected,
then this operational mode will not be evaluated.