8.2.4 Menu Functions
All sub-menus, where values can be changed or which causes the interruption of the au-
tomatic operation, are protected by a password.
If the password is set to 0000, then all menus are freely accessible!
The password may be changed in the menu item SETUP.
The following settings are implemented at delivery:
Password: 0000
Some menu points will interrupt the automatic cycle, which means
the screw assembly cycle cannot be continued!
The following menus interrupt the automatic cycle:
• Setup
• Screwdriving Sequence
• Test
Please assure by setting passwords that only authorized personnel can
make changes.
8.2.5 Description of the Menus
Menu System Info
The menu system info displays general data of the sequence controller and the connected
screwdriver. The data can be displayed during equipment operation, without interrupting
the automatic sequence. Tool Data
The tool data include all important information about the connected driver, such as screw-
driver model, serial number, torque limits, etc. System Data
The system data contain basic sequence controller settings, such as language, IP ad-
dress, MAC address, main direction, etc.
Menu Process Data
The menu process data supplies data for the screwdriving process. The data can only be
displayed, but not changed. The data can be displayed during equipment operation, with-
out interrupting the automatic sequence. Screwdriving Programs
The menu item Screwdriver Programs displays the parameters of the individual screwdriv-
ing programs. After inputting the required program number, use the cursor keys to switch
between the individual parameters within the programs.
Use the function keys to directly change from and to the individual programming steps.