Important Information
Page 7
Applied Symbols
Appearing in the manual:
Appearing on the unit:
A potential hazard to
the operator/patient
Operation mode: Duty
cycle. The operation
time is 0.5 minutes with
a 9 minutes interval.
Important information
for the operator. A
potential hazard that
may lead to damage to
the device.
Consult Directions For
MET test mark
Disposal information
see Important
Information "Disposal"
Appearing on the packaging:
Stacking restrictions
Keep dry
Temperature range
Transport upright
Air pressure
Exclusion of Liability
Supply of spare parts, service and maintenance may only be carried out by authorized personnel.
DENTSPLY shall assume no liability for accidental, special or consequential damage caused by
maintenance or service of the Midwest E unit by third parties, or for use of equipment or parts
by third parties, including loss of profit, any commercial loss, economic loss or loss incurred by personal
Never remove the cover of the device and never insert objects through the holes or openings on the case.
Non-compliance may cause damage to the device and/or may endanger the user.