RetroSign GR1 & GR3 · Retroreflectometer
Information on warning and error conditions for each angle.
e: Error condition
w: Warning condition
h: High signal
Analogue to Digital Converter status: Ok, Overrun or Underrun
Calibration factor:
Ok or “out of limit” error
Lamp status:
Ok or Error
Information on LOG and Tag Reader.
Memory type and size
Total number of log records used
Number of new Log records
Tag Reader status or TAG code
Miscellaneous information
Instrument type, firmware version and serial number.
Power status.
Setting for the electronic offset and gain potentiometers.
LCD: back light DAC
Lamp: current DAC
RV: Reference signal info
Instrument status flags
Zero: zero status
Cal: calibration status
Status: 0 Main status bitmap
Status: 1-3 secondary status bitmaps
The display always returns to Main #1 or #2 when performing a new measurement.