RetroSign GR1 & GR3 · Retroreflectometer
APPENDIX F – Result and Info Pages
Switch between the Result and Info pages by pressing when not in menu mode.
All following examples are shown for the GR3 configuration; GR1 instruments will only show values for the primary ob-
servation angle
Main result display #1 showing instrument status icons, result and
status from each observation angle and the measurement ID text and
sequence number
Main result display #2 showing same information as #1 and addition-
ally the calculated mean values for each observation angle. MC= is
the number of measurements used in the mean calculation. Date and
time for the measurement is also shown.
If the Tag Reader option is on and a tag has been red, the tag code
will be displayed in the empty line e.g.
GPS Information, see appendix D for explanation of the displayed
Measurement information page showing for each observation angle
the measured raw values for ZV: Zero signal, DV: Dark signal (leak)
and LV: Light signal (with lamp on), CF: The calculated calibration
factors and CN: The used calibration normal values. VI: Battery Vol-
tage in Idle condition, VL: Battery Voltage under load (lamp on) and
IL: Lamp current.