3U Turbo CPU Board for UMAC Turbo and Turbo Stack
The following two photos show typical UMAC and Stack configurations. They are intended only to show
what a completed system may look like, not to be instructions on how to put a particular system together.
Sample UMAC Configuration:
Turbo PMAC2 CPU and PC/104, Acc-24E2 4-Axis Interface, Acc-10E 48 Out, Acc-9E 48 In,
Acc-11E 24 In/24 Out Low Power, Accessory E Power Supply
Sample Stack Configuration:
PC/104 Computer, Turbo PMAC2 CPU, Two Acc-2E 4-Axis Interface Boards
3U Product Configurations (General Description)
Assemblies of 3U-format boards can be made with either of two CPU processor boards – a 3U MACRO-
CPU board, or a 3U Turbo PMAC2 CPU board. Most other 3U-format boards, labeled Accessory boards,
can be used with either CPU board.
When the 3U MACRO-CPU board is used, the resulting assemblies are called UMAC MACRO or
3U MACRO Stack.
When the 3U Turbo PMAC2 CPU board is used, the resulting assemblies are called UMAC Turbo or
Turbo Stack.
Refer to the UMAC and 3U Stack Products Selection Guide for more detailed descriptions of how the
rack and stack products are integrated.
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