3U Turbo CPU Board for UMAC Turbo and Turbo Stack
Stack Connections
If the 3U Turbo CPU board is used in a Turbo Stack configuration, the stack accessory boards (Acc-2E,
3E, 4E, and 6E) are mounted on top (component side) of the CPU board. The solder-side prong
connectors of these stack boards insert into the mating component-side sockets of the board below it. All
four corners of these boards provide mounting holes for standoff connections between boards. The
stacking connectors provide for the Eurocard 4T standard of 20mm (0.8”) spacing between boards, so
standoff lengths must be chosen accordingly. If Delta Tau assembles the stack, it will install the proper
Backplane (UMAC) Connections
To connect the 3U Turbo CPU board to the UBUS backplane, simply insert the P1 connector into one of
the sockets on an Acc-Ux UBUS backplane board. It does not matter which socket on the UBUS
backplane board is used, although customarily, the CPU board is installed in the leftmost slot. Typically
the backplane board will already have been installed in a Eurorack frame (Acc-Px or equivalent), so the
CPU board is simply slid into one of the slot guides in the frame until mates with the backplane board;
then the front-plate screws are tightened for a firm connection to the rack and backplane.
If a power supply has been connected to the UBUS backplane board, this power will automatically be
supplied to the Turbo CPU board. The UBUS backplane board is capable of supplying isolated analog
and digital supplies, but the 3U-format power supplies (Acc-Ex, Acc-F) provided by Delta Tau do not
keep these two supplies isolated from each other.
PC/104 Connections
If the Option 2 PC/104 connector is installed, the 3U Turbo CPU board may be mounted on the top of a
PC/104 stack. Because it does not pass the connector through, it may only be mounted on the top of such
a stack. The 3U Turbo CPU board has four mounting holes in the standard PC/104 locations for standoff
connections to the PC/104 stack. Note that the PC/104 connector used on the 3U Turbo CPU board
provides for the Eurocard “4T” standard of 20mm (0.8”) spacing between boards, not the PC/104
standard of 15mm (0.6”), so standoff lengths must be chosen accordingly.
Serial Port Connections
The standard J7 serial-port connector on the front edge of the 3U Turbo CPU board is an IDC 26-pin
header. The connector is designed so a standard flat-cable connection (such as a Delta Tau Acc-3D cable)
to a DB-25 connector can be used. From there, a standard DB25-to-DB9 adapter can be used if
necessary. The servo and phase clock signals can be either input or output on this connector, depending
on the setting of jumpers E1A and E1B.
The auxiliary J8 serial-port connector that comes with Option 9T is an IDC 10-pin header. The connector
is designed so a standard flat-cable connection (such as a Delta Tau Acc-3L cable) to a DB-9 connector
can be used. From there, a standard DB9-to-DB25 adapter can be used if necessary.
Power Supply Connections
The TB1 4-point terminal block on the Turbo CPU board can be used to bring in +5V and +/-15V power
to the system, particularly in a stack configuration. (In a “UMAC” backplane configuration, the power is
almost always brought in through the UBUS backplane board instead.) Note that with a single reference
voltage on this connector, there can be no isolation between the supplies (stack configurations have no
provisions for isolating analog and digital supplies anyway).
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