This equipment uses high-proof alcohol. Alcohol is a flammable liquid.
Improper use may cause alcohol to discharge, resulting in an unsafe
work environment. Use a properly-rated CFM fume hood, personal
protective equipment (PPE), and appropriate detectors as required.
Inhalation of high concentrations of Alcohol vapor may affect the central
nervous system. This is characterized by nausea, headache, dizziness,
unconsciousness and coma. It may cause respiratory tract irritation. In
high concentrations, it may cause narcotic effects. Please read the thyl
Alcohol Safety Information Sheet for further safety information.
Operator must follow all precautions and safety guidelines to ensure their
own safety, the safety of other personnel, and the protection of property.
Always visually monitor fill levels, tanks, valves, and hoses for leakage.
While the system is protected with pressure relief valves, care should be
taken to ensure overfilling does not occur.
All hoses may contain alcohol under slight pressure. Wear proper
personal protective equipment (PPE) such as safety goggles and gloves
when disconnecting hoses and working around alcohol.
Imbalance of the basket may cause major damage to the bearing and
shaft assembly and put the operator at risk. Proper bag loading is
critical. The improper use of the CUP or unapproved modifications
may result in serious injury.
Before opening the lid manually, be sure that the basket has
completely stopped spinning.
Component wear varies depending on the amount of usage. Inspect
all nuts, bolts, and gaskets before each use. If there is any question
about the integrity of a component, replace it immediately.
Make certain all safety devices are functioning properly before
operating the equipment.
The alcohol detector must be used always in and around the
extraction zone.
Never apply pressure or vacuum to the system chamber.
Never apply more than 10 psi and 15 mmHg to the system jacket.
It is important to have the manual relief valve open during filling to
allow the displacement of the head pressure.