Modbus TCP Remote I/O Communication Module RTU-EN01
DVP-PLC Operation Manual
T#0 ~ T#15, total 16 bits and 16 registers.
C#0 ~ C#15, total 16 bits and 16 registers.
R#0 ~ R#15, total 16 bits and 16 registers.
RCR#0 ~ RCR#399, total 400 registers.
BR#0 ~ BR#63, total 64 registers.
3. Format:
Select the format of the register to be monitored, decimal (Dec) or hexadecimal (Hex).
Once the number and format are set, click “Apply” to save the setting and start the monitoring.
4. Start/Stop
Start or stop the saved and applied device number to be monitored. Unapplied saved settings will
be deleted.
6.13 Setting up Gateway
RTU-EN01 offers Modbus TC P to RS-485 gateway functions. By setting up RTU-EN01, you can read the data in
specific devices on the network. Gateway functions help you fast store and retrieve data and offers on-line
monitoring for maximum 100 bit data and word data. The data can be temporarily stored in RTU-EN01, speeding
up the write/read and response time.
Gateway setup page
1. COM Setup
You can choose Modbus ASCII Master, Modbus RTU Master or Virtual COM.
The baud rate for communication.