Ethernet Communication Module DVPEN01-SL
DVP-PLC Application Manual
Module Name:
There can be many DVPEN01-SL modules in the network. Thus, you can set up a module name
for each module to identify the module when you need to use them.
Module Language:
You can select a language for each module name, and the windows will be displayed in the
selected language.
Enable Modbus TCP:
To enable or disable Modbus TCP. When Modbus TCP is disabled, WPLSoft will not be able to
upload or download.
Enable time correction:
DVPEN01-SL adopts NTP (Network Time protocol), which means it can acquire correct time
automatically from the time server in the network and correct the RTC in the MPU every fixed
period of time to ensure correct time in the MPU. The default setting of this function is “disable”.
Start Daylight Saving Time:
Daylight Saving Time; also known as summer time, is a conventional local time adopted by many
countries in the world on a seasonal basis. Most commonly DST is obtained by adjusting the
official local time forward, by one hour, for the spring, summer, and early autumn periods. Daylight
Saving Time is not implemented in Taiwan; therefore, you do not need to check this item.
Time Server:
IP address of the time server. You can acquire correct time from the time server to correct the time
in the MPU.
Time Zone:
A time zone is a region of the Earth that has adopted the same standard time, usually referred to as
the local time. Most adjacent time zones are exactly one hour apart, and by convention compute
their local time as an offset from Greenwich Mean Time (see also UTC). Standard time zones can
be defined by geometrically subdividing the Earth's spheroid into 24 lunes (wedge-shaped